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"who knows what!" sounds a lot like the "uncertainty" the jerb creators HAAATE! Because everybody knows that business is a predictable venture with no chances of unforeseen challenges befalling the wealthy and well prepared.

Buggy whip manufacturers would like a word.

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Always use the "Reluctant Shopper" checkout lane.

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Maybe if she stopped making people send her death threats she wouldn't need extra security.

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What would D poison pills look like?

includes language aimed at protecting trans kids from meddlesome republican fuckery..

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Because your comments (were they allowed) are especially on point and well-considered?

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The R's are hoping Manchin and Sinema will reject reconciliation because we weren't bipartisan enough through this BS. I can't bring myself to believe this is anything but another bad faith shit show any more than I could believe that the sun will rise at midnight tonight.

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Government which governs least governs bestSome Libertarian Asshat

Often attributed to Thoreau or Thomas Jefferson for credibility

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Here in Portland OR it's Fred Meyers, and I do my best to deny it my patronage, but there are certain things I can get there but not at Safeway or my green local grocery, so, there I go. Plus they have a good pharmacy.

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Adams. All you need to know.

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In fact, just sneer at everyone.

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We are well and truly Fu--cked. Between the Corp.backed dems and Mitch it's over baby's. Would Obama fix it? No f-ing way. Business as usual. 99% lose again. The game continues as always!!! Corrupt ion!

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Chuck loves it, don't kid yourself. Let's the Dem's off the hook so they can blame someone or some rule for not giving a fat rat's ass about working people.

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This is from Azar's reign at HHS.

He tried to regulate that these RWNJs they could refuse to do their jobs, to treat their patients, if they had a religious reason. It was a way to get these fundies to refuse to treat LGBTQ patients, as well as women's reporductive health, and anyone else they didn't like the look of. It was that bad seed that spreadnecked this crop of nonsense.

Just like bad cops, they needed to be weeded out with a firm hand.Incompetent and loud about it is no way to go through life.

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