The problem with this commission report is that they are trying to eliminate the deficit in FIVE AND A HALF YEARS, Alan. Trucknuts. Worthly. Also.

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My mother-in-law -- who never paid a penny in income or social security taxes in her entire life -- gets survivor benefits. She hates Obama because he didn't raise her social security payments last year.

My brother-in-law #1 claims to be 100% disabled from Vietnam and has gotten a couple thousand dollars a month, tax free from the gov't for the past 20 years or so. He briefly had a part-time job a couple years ago and complained about the withholding taxes.

My brother-in-law #2 claims to be 100% disabled from an accident. He also gets "free money" and complains about Obama.

I actually work and pay taxes.

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I agree, but you should know the British have had a pretty sucky century of it.

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What you say would have merit, except for the fact that the federal budget is exactly like a household budget in every way. Except with respect to defense spending. And keep your slimy hands off my Medicare.

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I'm not saying I agree with all the commission's suggestions, but there are some good things there. The sad fact is the USA is an economic basket case stumbling towards banana republic status. We won't be able to fund anything if changes are not made. I'll happily accept higher taxes but reform in other areas will also be needed.

Take the tax deduction for mortgage interest, for example. Great idea in theory, which is to make it easier for people to buy a home. In practice, however, it rewards banks for selling long-term mortgages. The longer the term, the greater portion of a mortgage that is interest, which means more earnings for the institution holding the mortgage. It works out to being a subsidy to the mortgage holder, which is not what is intended. Wouldn't it be better eliminate the tax break and fund other services for the home buyer, such as good schools, public libraries, and clean water supplies, than to subsidize banks?

Can anyone say that Medicare doesn't need some reform? Or Medicaid, or Social Security? On the one hand, does it make sense to limit the Social Security contribution to the first $106,800 of income? On the other hand, does it make sense to pay Social Security to people who have other sources of income which are more than adequate to their needs? There is room for negotiation here.

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I was surprised, on my first trip to DC recently, how anyone can walk into the Air & Space museum for free. Why? I'd happily pay $5 to see the Wright brothers' airplane (because, you know, it's the ACTUAL PLANE flown by the mo' fo' Wright bros!) $10, even.

I disagree with Pelosi, I think she's being too liberal on this issue. Which is a bit of a relief, frankly. It has been very disorienting to me, having grown up in Canada politically right-of-center, to have been consistently on the left of politics in the USA.

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Make Butterstick pay back his panda student loans, dammit.

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Also, has anyone thought about having the National Zoo animals carry out the weapons development our military demands? The tigers work for raw meat and they never read the fine print in the Halliburton contracts.

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Butterstick's back in China, on an intense diet and exercise regimen because he was in America too long and took up our fatass ways. He brings much shame to his ancestors.

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