You must be amphidextrous!


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I was doing same when the previous GenSomethingOrOthers were pushing urgent notifications to their parental units' bioaudio receivers at two hour intervals all night long every damn night.

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Both sides do <strike>me</strike> it!

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<i>by Rebecca Schoenkopf</i>


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Unlike Dok's, which is more like <a href="http:\/\/static.tvtropes.org\/pmwiki\/pub\/images\/deathglare2_7887.jpg" target="_blank">this</a>.

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Rebecca (if you read this), I'm not sure why you seem to be so involved with this story. As far as I can recall, TNR has been a mostly illiberal empty vessel for decades. Who cares how they self-immolate?

In particular, I was surprised to read your scorn for the contributors that pulled their items. "But to pull your content with no other purpose than to bone the next guy?" I don't see it that way. I see it as "This shit is beyond redemption. What can I do to blow it up?"

Now, your question as to why the fuck they didn't do the same when Peretz was aboard is valid, to the extent that it is the same people.* That, I don't know.

*Actually, I suppose it's likely that some of the current rebelliousness is based, not on thoughtful review of principles, but on simple resistance to abrupt change. I don't know about that either. Nor do I care very much what happens at/to TNR.

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"Hilllary Frey told T.N.R. in late November that she was not interested in becoming editor, and Gabriel Snyder was officially given the position on the day before Thanksgiving. T.N.R. now had, in effect, two editors. Snyder began talking to writers, including <b>Alex Pareene</b>, formerly of Gawker and Salon, about joining him at the magazine."

From the ridiculous to the sublime! Only not. They all seem like a bunch of self-important spoiled brats, working on a publication that survived on the largesse of donors rather than the general public's desire to pay for and read what they were writing.

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Clearly, not enough dick jokes.

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TNR was so predictably war mongering that Republicans used to always say " ... even the liberal New Republic agrees (nicaraguans should all die|bomb someone|kill everything)"

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"Vertically integrate" is the new "rectally infuse".

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i used to not comment before it was cool.

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This Hughes fellow sounds like he only speaks in buzzword. Empty rhetoric to match an empty head?

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It's an august institution founded on uncompromising journalistic standards. Plus dick jokes.

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<i>inspired by Byron’s “The Destruction of Sennacherib,”</i>

Waaaay too high-brow. Shoulda used words that rhyme with "Nantucket".

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Well, that'll teach Hughes a thing or two. He'll never find writers and editors looking for work in this economy!

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<i>Every journalism job that doesn’t come from the incumbent flipping off the owner while screaming GO FUCK YOURSELF BOURGEOIS PIG comes from someone getting canned.</i> So it's pretty fluid, then. I remember when I took Old Norse in college (shut up, it was my last undergrad term and I had a free slot), one of the students asked the professor how she might go about getting a job in the area. He thought about it a minute, then said, "Well, <i>I've</i> got one. I suppose you could kill me." (She didn't, BTW.)

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