We Wonkettiers would be like a cabal of Rupert Murdoch clones in the brave new world you described.

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Being turned into a painted war horse that is mounting Ayn Rand while her Cthulu-like cunt shoots out barbed tentacles, it smells like Polo cologne as well as cheap cigarettes and the whole thing sounds like unplugging a demonic backed up vacuum cleaner.

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What if everybody had to help pay for faith-based programs even though they did not follow that faith?

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I checked out the Lifenews link (Why, for crying out loud? Why?) which confirms my earlier belief:

There is NO issue that the pro-life group cannot connect to abortion. NONE. I fully expect to see the next price increase of Cap'n Crunch blamed on abortion.

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Lots of teeth too please.

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Spoken like a true patriot. You sir are my hero.

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