I think one of the societal/reliability problems that I have not seen much discussed is the fact that by moving industries from various fuel types over to electricity, we are getting closer to a single point of failure--when the grid goes down, everything goes down, once batteries run low. As an example, it used to be the case that electric and telephone services were separate, so that if power failed, we could still call someone on a landline. Now, if power goes out and I don't have a spare battery for my cell phone, I will be out of luck. The same is true for electric cars--we now have alternatives in an emergency, and an attacker would have to disrupt at least two transmission systems (electricity and gasoline or diesel). Once we go all-electric, there will not be a plan b for driving, if electricity fails for an extended time. Think terrorist attack, or major natural disaster knocking power out for weeks or months.

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Like a common Hillary!

And about those rad/fem/les M&M's....

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Love that final image, Dok!

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Yup. driven 3 Teslas for multi-day trips in 3 different countries. Had no problem with range anxiety, finding a place to top up (it's all mapped out for you in the Nav system) and getting to our destinations in good time. Start the morning with a full 'tank' with overnight charge. Drives, stops, cruises, heats and cools identically to a non EV... in fact, you forget and just drive the car.

Perfect? Nope. Don't like the reliance on one Ipad thing in the console for all AUX functions. Seating is a bit spartan for comfort. And I resist their push for full autonomous driving... I'm in control here, thank you.

However, I have no time for uninformed internet opinions from people who have never experienced one.

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just unnecessary

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Not only does Madame Secretary get the joke, but I have the funny feeling that Stella McCartney pantsuit is going to sell amazingly well

I want one


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If you're on Twitter, search out the #BidenBoom hashtag and find some to retweet. If the MSM won't make the noise, we'll have to do it for them.

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Ohio is currently being fought in the courts as to whether we have to keep the gerrymandered all to hell maps Repubs keep pushing on us. If we can manage to swing back to purple, hopefully we can undo some of the BS the far right has tried to shove down our throats. Moving a bunch of enlightened tech workers to the Columbus 'burbs might help a bit with that as well. (I know, a whole lotta 'Ifs' there).

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That Intel plant sounds pretty good, but I'm not ready to exhale when DeWine & co. are being so cagey about what they actually gave away to get it here.

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True, except for how a cat butthole is the wrong end of something charming and elegant.

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You can charge your phone from your car jack, in a power loss as long as your car battery holds up.

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Mostly because trump-humpers think it is legal to run over protestors, and people they don't like.

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We have our flat-earthers and luddites on the left, too. If I hadn't needed an small SUV for my husbands wheelchair I would have got a Tesla instead.

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Looks like pajamas, maybe they are fucking with the idiots.

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It was Stella McCartney who designed it. She did a deal w/Adidas for sportswear for the tenistas who were endorsed by Adidas a few years ago.

I'd wear it, LOL. Look at those cute bows.

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It is so much cheaper if you put in the isolating switch now. Otherwise the solar will disconnect when there is an outage. I lost power and was like what???? I had to bring the contractor *back*. It has to isolate or the linemen can not fix the lines outside as they will be live. I wish I had known to ask in the original bid, it would have saved expense and trouble. So I am telling you :-)

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