Don't they fly us to space while we give our rich people a chance to capitalize on it later?

For being such a Shole place, I am very impressed with their cornering that market.

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Are those trump's wives?

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They should stick to hacking and fake news...proven things they are reasonably decent at. Heck, the Goggle told me Russians are quite good with hacking actually.

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I thought everything was Obummer's fault.....

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No. Even sadder (although their parents were idiots).https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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As with Trump staff in general - political whores. (not meant to demean respectable prostitution)

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There are more people have more interest about this MEME technology and they want to learn so more well program from here. I hope it will be great pleasure for them.

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One leg good. Three legs gooderer.

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I fear that if they weaponize their cartoon songs, even Disney will be unable to save us.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Also, no Catherine the Great and pony memes.

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Three legs double plus gooderer.

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Their telegraph network is first rate too.

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Two peanuts were walking down the street. Und one was assaulted.

I haven't got time to read all of the unallowed comments, but if this one isn't already there I'm going to have to quit you, Wonkete:

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Wake up!!!

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Is there any left? I fear my nightmares.

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Caeser? I didn't even touch her!

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