Calling dibs on Cadaver Synod as my new band name. We play heavy-metal, minor-key versions of hymns and spirituals.

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The fact that there were TWO Defenestrations of Prague tickles me to death.

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Then she'd be impeared. I'll see myself out.

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The reason they're doing it is simple; they want to justify tearing down all those statues Obama erected in his own honor.

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These are the stupidest people on the face of the Earth. How the fuck did we get to the point of being ruled by the stupidest people on the face of the Earth?????

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At that point Obama was a fairly lowly Senator, so he certainly did not play a big role in 9-11.

The main point is that when 9-11 happened Dubya was President, but guys like the one above still manage to blame Obama for it. Cray-cray.

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Probably because those fellows were getting their insurance from the ACA.

Once they get older they will be the ones screaming for the gob'ment to keep its hands off their Medicare.

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This is an election year and the Senate is virtually tied, so for this year we're probably safe. This is a good reason to make sure the Dems take back the House this November.

I keep reading posts from people who will not vote for a Blue Dog Dem. Guys, we need the headcount. Controlling the House is far more important than the quality of one Dem representative. Hold your nose, vote for the Dem, and hope for better choices next time.

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I think the very latest word is "informant," for which they are substituting "spy."

There should have been many, many informants from the Trump campaign. Every single person approached by a foreign government should have informed the FBI. Not one did.

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At least O would have superb lawyers. They'd probably volunteer in droves.

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#ImpeachObama, a point on the litmus test of stupid.

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My guess - they don't understand the meaning of impeachment.

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The Original Vampire was LBJ.

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Thank God that Mueller isn't the typical stupid Republican.

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