now i have seen the pic and read his full confession and apology.

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He only told two stories. He ran a mortar crew and compared the American weapon to its German counterpart. Said the German mortars had precision sights, and took several minutes to set up, but could drop the first round right on target. He said the American sights weren't as precise, but they would fire long, short, adjust and be firing on target in about one minute. His other story concerned a fellow soldier who bragged all the way across the Atlantic Ocean about how he would single handedly take on the whole German army, but turned chicken and cracked up once the bullets started flying.

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Does this man have a real job? Who can spend all day twating or annoying people at a fast food restaurant and hold down gainful employment. Maybe DEA or Something needs to look into how this nut manages. Or does he live with his mom still?

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Ms.Robyn Pennacchia, did you actually end up watching the eight hour rant to post this article!!!

P.S: I admit that kept fast forwarding to catch any interesting bits.

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To them the first amendment is simple: "I get to say what I want with no repercussions and you don't."

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Are we sure this isn't Susie Sampson's brother?

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This is the Internet -- Old ladies clapping is just one search away. https://media.giphy.com/med...

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But you have platypuses. I'd give up fast food burgers for animals that are made out of the left bits from other animals.

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Thank you.

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You must have lots of energy. ;)

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Reminds me of when my brother (who was eight) pitched a fit because my mom made him put on a sweater to go to school. I was only nine but I thought, "Jeez, just take it off after you get out of the car!"

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Psst. If you want the tweet to show up here, take out the "mobile." in the URL.

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Hm. Seems the tweet isn't there.

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There are a lot of great people on Twitter, dude.

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Seems it was deleted.

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