I just hope there weren’t any white students around who got their fee fees hurt by having to witness alla that obviously CRT stuff.

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Where was the National Chicken Choking Council when all of this poultry infamy (“poultrinfamy” if you will) was happening?

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"flood the zone with shit" could also apply to Steve Bannon's appearance.

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Everything about the commercial animal agriculture industry sucks. What stinks most of all is our tax dollars subsidizing this disgusting shit. Torture, murder, and the rape of the environment all for the convenience of the omnivorous. None for me, thanks.

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The lobbying was particularly intense in seeking protection from liability for workers getting sick, a matter of such importance to then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that he fought tooth and nail to have it included in federal stimulus bills, even after Trump lost the 2020 election. Poor sad Mitch, it never did get passed.

So how about we fucking hold them accountable for a change?

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I’m sure they’re slowly and steadily gathering evidence of all the blatant crime and corruption so that a couple meat industry CEOs can float away on their golden parachutes in a few years. Y’know, best-case scenario.

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The truth can’t be libel, but I’m sure they’d sue you anyway. It’s not like more people knowing will result in any consequences for the Trump administration or meat industry anyway.

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Good luck, and have a safe journey.

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I’ll go get the keys to the crane so you can get up there.

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Mine walks backwards while turning in a circle to ensure maximum coverage.

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Horrific, it makes me want to adopt religion so I can believe in hell.

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Try to get away with stabbing him.

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It's all Hillary's fault. She invested in pork belly futures in the 90s.

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See, they’re not trying to get rid of the gays. The gays can still participate, if they follow the Lindsay Graham model. “In” not “out.” “Log Cabin Republicans” steps on the Christian brand.

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I know. It depresses me. If people would at least give it up for a few days a week...

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