I think it's going to be 9/11 Day not Corporation Day. I see all the signs. Corporation Day is more of a winter holiday.

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It's pretty much 24 hours a day. It's starting to make me feel like they/it just wants to be loved. Is that so wrong?

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So Ed Rollins just dumped Bachmann. Can we say that he suckered her along to help out who? He was probably feeding her all those dumb ass "mistakes" and she was too fucked up stupid to know plus she gets the money. So it's a win/win. I think. If you like the idea of Mittens tinkering with your Obamacare which he invented, also La Jolla, CA. In my opinion metaphorically speaking.

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'chatty cathy chorus' is just so fabulous for our repub list of shame and you deserve far more 'p' for it than you will get this far down the list.

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You're welcome to come on down, anytime.

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There's much to be said for <a href="http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Million-Random-Digits-Normal-Deviates\/product-reviews\/0833030477\/" target="_blank">random sequences of numbers</a> -- perhaps this is also true of words, which explains Palin's continued popularity.

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I have no camper memories. (It's those damned wine coolers.)

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i deeply respect your way of thinking baldar.

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Uncle Duke?

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But dogs can't see color!

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I figure they'll ask a few questions, quickly conclude that he's a moron, and do whatever they might be capable of doing to keep him out of the White House.

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Cheney would bomb the trains ... on time.

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When the time comes for me to give him a ride, how he looks will be pretty low on his priority list. He's expecting a planet, and I'm thinking of Mercury.

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If that was the intent, it's not a very intelligent design.

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That is a great game. My percentage of correct answers and BAL are neck-and-neck.

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I hope Wonkette comes up with some Drinking Bingo (r) cards for the Republican Presidential "debate."

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