My arthritic fingers can't grip the cribbage pegs.

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Yes! There is a new Whig party. They actually call themselves the Modern Whig Party. Here's the link:


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There ain't no such animal as "Forbco Management School." Forbco is a Sizzler steak house franchisee in CA. http://www.buzzfile.com/bus... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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If you really want more conservative professors, you could try paying them more, then you wouldn't have so many bleeding heart libtards who want to help mold the minds of the young out of the goodness of their hearts, and you would have more real American conservatives that are just greedy

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Sorry. I do wish this were real. http://www.snopes.com/iowa-...

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Does anyone really know what a conservative professor even looks like? The sciences and engineering require a thorough knowledge of the subjects at hand, not political knowledge that changes as the wind blows. Obviously, this Iowa yahoo wants to stifle real educations and the accumulation of facts. So much for the best and brightest.

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7) The Art of Grifting

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per the article 608-10 covers providing preschooling to Army brats

past that, i dunno . . . just know what i read in the funny papers.

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There's an app for that. Serious. https://play.google.com/sto...

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Good enough. I was barely out of pre-school when I went in.

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Can he tell a steak from a cow pattie? Probably not.

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Couldn't a university just hire a bunch of down-and-out conservatives at minimum wage, declare them professors, and not schedule any courses for them to teach? Once they reach equality, to hire a $200K liberal CS professor they'd just have to hire another know-nothing conservative at $15K. Essentially a Stupidity Tax.

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How many professors make more than $300,000?

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how we should deal with Khrushchev.His son Sergei is a professor at Brown.

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They still don't make as much as coaches. In most states, university head coaches are the highest paid government employees, earning millions more than the governor, university presidents, the physician heading public health, the director of the state hospital system, etc. Football coaches are, of course, the highest paid (Michigan $9M, Ohio State and Alabama $6M+, Oklahoma, Florida State, Texas, Texas A&M $5M+). More than 30 head basketball coaches make more than $2 million a year, and while a few work at private schools (Duke's coach makes $7M+) the majority coach at state universities. And clearly Trump voters see nothing wrong with that.http://sports.usatoday.com/...

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Especially in South Carolina.

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