Nope. Missed it. And now I'll be missing your patronizing little comments, too. Ta ta!

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I worked in a restaurant that made some of their own baked goods from scratch.Our supplier sent us "icing" -- that white stuff that goes on top of coffee cake and cinnamon rolls -- in the big white plastic 5 gallon buckets with the snap on lid.One of the boys who worked at the sandwich counter would pop off the lid with a screwdriver, and the cloyingly sweet sugar smell would just BLOAT out at you.To this day, I have not been able to stand anything with that kind of "icing". https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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This is why I can't stand the old-timey photo pages.EVERY SINGLE PICTURE like this, or like the Depression family standing on the porch of their shack has about half the comments run, "They worked so hard in those days" or "They had nothing but were happy" as if A) that's a good thing, B) there aren't people right this minute currently working for as little or less.

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"Like to help you son, but you're too young to vote" was supposed to have been a warning, not a recommendation.

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Yep. And adolescents are especially prone to those kind of injuries.

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So these ghouls are only anti-abortion so they can have a vibrant labor force made up of children.

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Exactly! "Kiddo, you don't get a free school lunch unless you prove you personally are working 40 hours per week."

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I have reached the limits of my patience with the GOP As far as I am concerned, they should be barred from American politics completely.

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Start them young, keep them from graduating, and therefore perpetuate their ignorant, slave labor voting block.

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As with racial issues, so with the economy. The GQP is turning the clock aaaallll the way back to the 19th century. I strongly suspect that 2050 in the United States is going to resemble 1850 in more than a few ways.

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Indeed, only set it in the future that the Republicans and corporate Democrats are building for us. Same with Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Everything old is new again, sadly.

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All they saw was dollar signs just like the people running the for-profit prisons.

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Republicans love the poorly educated.

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Chris Hayes is reporting on MSNBC that part of this movement is a push from industry. Apparently, there’s been an increase in violations of child labor laws in recent years. So naturally, the GOP response is not to put an end to the practices, but to just legalize them.

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At the grocery stores that sell beer, wine & liquor, only someone over 21 can scan the bottles or cans, so the under cashiers must call for an older cashier to do it.Years ago, before scanners, the under age cashiers would key in the price on the cash registers & then ask the customer, who was of legal age to press the "Enter" key.

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Never understood that. As a hetero guy I can understand wanting to kiss your butt, only upon invitation of course but not wanting to pinch it. Not into inflicting pain

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