Depends where you are, if it's free or not. Seriously. I know someone who had that issue recently, was going to cost $600 locally, had to drive 3 hours to a free clinic.

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Steve - that you?

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My goodness! Where did Rep. King get the idea that raping a thirteen year old girl will not get you a long stretch in prison.

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Yeah you left out an important part of this quote "he will pick up that 13 yr old girl, drive her across state lines to get an abortion, in order to REMOVE THE EVIDENCE OF HIS CRIME, and then drop her back off." He was referring to the fact it was not illegal for him to take her for an abortion. Not that it was illegal for him to impregnate her. smdh

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Just because it's right there on TPM: <a href="http:\/\/thinkprogress.org\/politics\/2012\/08\/01\/619371\/steve-king-birther\/" target="_blank"> Steve King suggests Obama's parents submitted his birth announcement by telegram from Kenya.</a>

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If only science could work out some way for laws to be recorded in some way, so people could later refer to them and know what was legal and what isn't, maybe some of these playground rapebortion horrors could be averted.

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It's as if he speaks from experience.

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If King was a 13-yr old girl, I'd love to see his claim put to the test -- on him.

You know, purely for academic purposes.

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He says that like it's just so easy to do. That will take a lot of effort I'd think.

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Plus there's that whole Federal jurisdiction when you cross state lines in the commission of a felony thing.

Perhaps Steve King thinks it's only illegal if you can be executed for it, or something.

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It's a bigger consolation that Iowa's 5th District will cease to exist in January.

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<i>"...liberals have so devalued life..."</i>

I take this a little personally ... because I have a life that I value.

Abortion is the sad ending to a longer story about love, sex and fear, sometimes with ignorance mixed in to all three parts. It's sad even when the girl gets to play on the swing set afterward.

if conservatives are serious about protecting the unborn, they need to do a lot more to protect the born. WIC, food stamps, education, economic security -- the social safety net that they hate so much -- needs to be strong or those little girls of King's crocodile tears will have no choice when they're pregnant.

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I <a href="http:\/\/goo.gl\/maps\/Rqg0n" target="_blank">see what you mean</a>.

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You beat me to it. I think King should keep his sick fantasies to himself.


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