Why, ass-tronomically, of course. Why do you feel the need to ask?

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He meant to go to college in River City Iowa, where there is trouble I tell you - trouble...with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for...Pinhead?!

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As another alum and lowly part time instructor I feel the same way. Besides, depending on your location and the circumstances, it can be a felony to steal a pizza, or a few dvd's. Before Cali came to its senses, you could receive a "three strikes" felony life sentence for petty theft. Are we going to return to the days where you could be executed for stealing a loaf of bread or a yard of cloth?

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Or for that matter, do we start killing families in Britain, or Belgium, or Germany? After all, ISIL recruits from Europe. Or is the deal that we only kill people who can't kill us back?

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Meh, we could chop hands off while we're at it also, too.

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Uh, all of it?

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I can't tell, is it hyphenated?

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Silly, no death row, just sit them on the sidewalk in Florida and mow them down.

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"intent of committing ... other felony crimes" like walking while brown, eating while brown, breathing while brown, ...

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Seems to be the way, slam and lock the door after they get in. And try to say that "everyone" is an immigrant because 1000's of years and well established civilizations are the same as puritanical assholes who genocided their way across the "new world."

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So long as they beat and kill the "right" people...

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Of course the fence won't work. That's why we need a wall.

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Whoops – I sometimes forget that the "Party of Small Government" (tm) is often the same party that wants people who look a certain way to be murdered by that small government, summarily, if possible.

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Intent to commit crimes is easy to determine.Look at their skin, you can JUST TELL.

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I've got machine gun turrets set up along several of my bases in Fallout 4 to protect against raiders and packs of Super Mutants. I don't actually view that as sensible national policy that.

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