They love government and bureaucracy as long as it being used to fuck over poor and brown people

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Math has a well-known liberal bias ;)

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Ah yes, another one of those good old "if we shame people and cut their benefits enough they will magically stop being poor" policies we've come to expect from the Republicans



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Yes, I can, sort of. Funding has been cut, so I'm on a waiting list.

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Thanks :-) Truly appreciated.I'm probably too far away for anything, but check your neighbors. If any of them are in the same situation, offer them a ride to a food bank or similar. Pay it forward? Hopefully good karma will work its way here too.Oh, and vote :-)

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Yes Florida to you I can't do but I still want to fix this. I am so outraged.

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I know I'm a bit late to this party, but let me say this: as an Iowan living on Social Security disability (praise the FSM ,the Iowa Legislature can't touch that), Medicare (with premiums paid by Medicaid), and SNAP, this bill 1) scares me, and 2) completely fails to surprise me.

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You need to get out more. It's the best economy since the 1960's.

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Due to tax and regulatory cuts. Economic prosperity is highly correlated to economic freedom.

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What a bubble you live in.

"It's a Middle-Class Boom"


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Tax and regulatory cuts don't do jack to help anybody who actually needs help. But you already knew that, didn't you?

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So why is the economy doing so well? resident Kennedy wouldn't be welcome in today's extremist Democratic Party. How did the economy respond after his tax cut?

"JFK speech on tax cuts"


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None are so blind as those who refuse to see. It loos like your bigotry is not an intellectual rebuttal after all.

"Cramer: Like or hate Trump, ‘these are the best numbers of our lives’ on jobs"


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The economy doing well isn't doesn't mean shit for me if the only people profiting are investment bankers and CEOs. And you know damn well that not all tax cuts are created equal. Trump's tax cut was aimed primarily at the people at the very top of the heap. I paid significantly more in taxes last year than before the cut. Chances are you did too, but you'd never admit it. Clearly nothing gets through to you.

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What I know is that you are clearly misinformed.

"Trump's average unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history"


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Thanks for confirming that we have the best economy in 70 years. As it turns out, you're the one with no credibility.

"For First Time in 26 Years, All U.S. Metros Enjoyed Income Gains"



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