Mitt has an easy dodge: Romneycare is a STATE program, and he's gonna let all the other states do whatever they wanna do. (Bet you didn't know it was a states' rights issue!)

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With all her facial muscles frozen, she can't be much fun.

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Sounds like the families are the losers here.

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Uhhh... no. VPN, yes. Smart phone or iPad, also yes, but not on the office WiFi.

And remember: if it isn't vulgar, defamatory, discriminatory, sexually-oriented, or otherwise inappropriate, we don't want to hear it.

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If you had to spend just about every night with Newt, you'd look that way too.

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So far, Herman Cain is looking like the smartest guy in the room.

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I don't think the one about Cain and his pizza has been used yet.

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Watching the Newt blanch under this lizard's assault, I couldn't help humming,

I will turn your face to alabaster When you find your servant is your master.

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She doesn't care what we say. She's addicted. Like that old film they used to show in Psych class with the pigeons clicking hopelessly away for pigeon snacks that never come any more.

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Sorry, we can't. Apparently, there is a Xanax shortage. Oddly enough, it seems to have been injected into Callista's face. Yes, ALL OF IT.

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that Guy Shakspierre is sometimes ok but i'd stay away from two noble kinsman.

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you know that fabulous white boy fight in 'the diary of bridget jones'? hugh grant and colin firth?

this is just like that.

only with fat pasty pudgy trolls instead of british acting royalty.

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If loving watching the conservatards feed on themselves is wrong, I don't want to be right.

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