The beauty of this quote: our beef with Iran (or theirs with us, rightly) stems from when the U.S just haaad to help British Petroleum after the Iranians nationalized their oil fields back in the early Fifties. Overthrew a popularly elected leader, propped up a brutal Shah. Then in the late seventies a modern, albeit repressed, nation fell into the hands of repressive religious leaders who are decidedly anti American. This is a history a man of Donald Trump’s means should know about. What’s he bitching about? An airbase that cost “billions of dollars”. How do people reward such ignorance?!

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I dunno about the guys but Tuberculosis Listicle in the top left is too busy trying to get a DOD contract for her made in China jeggings, and the bottom right one (no I am not going to bother figuring out how to spell her dumb name with the correct number of t's n's and i's and whatevers) is too busy shitting herself.

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Graduating first in your class at West Point doesn't seem to be a very good resume enhancer. (Well maybe if trump is doing the hiring.) Nor say much of anything good about West Point.

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R & D by boeing?

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Yes. Trump will impose sanctions on Iraq such as the world has never seen. Pity he never imposed any sanctions on Russia except the ones congress compelled him to impose, and otherwise kissed up to Putin like a showgirl to a billionaire.Wouldn't be amazed if he imposes these vaunted sanctions on Iceland by mistake.

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Check with Gertrude Bell.

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West Point makes good soldiers. Pompeo is very smart (West Point, Harvard Law), but like Ted Cruz (Princeton, Harvard Law), it appears that he's decided to use his powers for evil, not for good.

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Has he sanctioned Denmark yet, for not selling him Greenland?

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Rex Tillerson was no dummy, and look where that got him.Brains are no match for immutable stupidity and absolute ignorance.

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e.e.cummings is so 20th Century. I think I will go with lEFTY wRIGHT. Like when you leave the caps lock on and don't notice it until five sentences later. Or maybe just let auto correct do my writing.

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This seems particularly true if you have no moral compass (or it's so fucked you look forward to the rapture).

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Doesn't that make him the antichrist?

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One has to be conversant in British slang to get the WYDT, but I had a British boss for about six month when I was in the Army, so I picked up some things.

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I expect he would have, only it slipped what passes for his mind and he doesn't remember he ever wanted to buy Greenland now.

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Sanctions? I'll enjoy watching Lindsey explain why that's a good thing. It appears our 'expensive' airbase is located on their land. I believe Trump wanted us out of Iraq. Now he gets his wish. I won't be surprised if Turkey kicks us out next.I'm sure Saudi Arabia will welcome our homeless troops and whatever equipment we bring with us.

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