You made me spit Pepsi all over my iPad with that "clittle bit funny." I am SO stealing that! Clittle bit for the win!

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I am not afraid of it. But thanks for the shout-out!

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"Dude I think you just declared shi-had"

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The story is almost certainly a hoax. FGM in Iraq is found almost exclusively in Kurdish areas and nowhere else. It was never a part of the ideology of any ISIS-like group. They've got plenty of horrific things in their ideology as it is, of course.

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See Saddam wasn't against satansbean cause them boys of his might have just wanted to pet a few but these ISIS assholes not so much so, and the woman is not to enjoy it so no clitty licks for them

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Yep, these people are awful. Dropping another couple hundred tons of ordinance over the Middle East will not magically make them less awful. If anything, it will just galvanize them into being even worse.

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The more I've read about this, the more likely it is not true

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Well, they said they'd make Iraq a model for the rest of the Middle East.

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<blockquote>For Whatever The Islamic Version Of Jesus Is</blockquote>

Not <em>That</em> "Issa".

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My clitoris? No wonder I could never find that thing.

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