Kim Kardashian isn't racist, sexist or otherwise bigoted that we know of, and I don't believe she's been accused of sexual abuse. She's literally a better candidate than Trump.

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Based on his platform, he's got sole

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so in your world Bush, on whose direct orders over a million people were killed, 5000 U.S. GI's dead, another 34000 maimed (the brain injuries alone will cost billions to care for) $4 trillion flushed down the DoD Iraq toilet, and whose legacy included our national reputation in tatters and a militarized police-state, doesn't deserve the brutal shame of a shoe in the face...m'kay.

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I will always be impressed by how well W could dodge a shoe, but honestly, I really really wanted at least one of them to hit him.

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Shame it wasn't a 'practice' pineapple.

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Yeah, because Iraq is so much better off now...

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I sometimes wonder what the world would be like if we had collectively appreciated the efforts of several failed painters.

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"Being a journalist who threw shoes at GWB makes him more qualified than half the members of Congress."

Half the members of Congress? Better qualified than any member of Congress that didn't throw shoes at GWB.

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I hoped he got hit. Fuck him. He was a lousy piece of shit who would still be remembered as the worst president in US history if it wasn't for the fact that Trump came along and eclipsed him, lapping him before Bush even left the starting line.

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If only because a shoe to the face makes him a "martyr for civility" among the "lawless barbarians" in Iraq...

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There was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! Two Coats!

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I watched Louboutins glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate

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Needz moar good guy with a blankie!

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After his arrest, he was tortured too.

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...and Trump, knowing nothing and having learned nothing, seeks to destabilize Iran and sends out attack dog Bolton to let Kim know that he faces the same fate as Qaddafi...and so it continues...so long as there's the chance of another Trump Tower in NK or Teheran.

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Having watched the Republicans go from Ike to Nixon to Reagan to Shrub to Trump, I have come to the conclusion that everytime liberals say "Worst President ever", the Republican response is "Hold my beer".

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