No one cares about the minority leader.

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He can't allow anyone to remember his record, Colbert-Busch has no record to distort, so Nancy is the only other option left in the GOP playbook. Nationalizing the race <em>can</em> work, but it's normally only attempted by someone challenging a well-liked incumbent from an unpopular majority party, it makes little to no sense for Sanford. I guess he's just giving up on the notion that he can ever persuade the voters to vote <em>for</em> him and oppo research on Elizabeth must have come up empty.

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Be fair now, he did come back with obvious set ups for the next insults.

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I'll reserve judgment on his patience until he loses his car* and all his children, and is reduced to scraping at his boils with bits of broken pottery. I've been called worse and yelled at for longer.

*A substitute for his oxen, asses, sheep and camels. I do not wish such a fate on him, because adding 'with votes' wouldn't make sense.

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Fenway's bleachers are full of this sort of talent. Check it out next time the Yankees are in town.

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You'd think the Alex Jones "inside job" lunacy would be hard to top, but there's no limit to sheer idiocy. Check out the "it was staged" conspiracy theory, where the bombing didn't really happen, actors were hired (secretly??) to play amputees, and ... well, you get the idea. YouTube, for some reason, is the new home for these freaks, and looney-tune videos are replacing the illiterate screed as the preferred medium. (Actually, given the obvious appeal to those who can't spell or construct coherent sentences, we should have seen this coming.) I need a good stiff drink after 5 minutes of that batshit craziness.

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auspicious. i find it auspicious.

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oh yes this.

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freely and often!

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It was the Vogons! Step one to blowing up earth!

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judging by the comments, i would say wonkette wants to share sexy time.

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what the hell could possibly be better?

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The Jews taught me this great word: Schmuck

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That's either a cowbird or a Macdonaldbird.

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Moar Swearing Boston guy, MOAR.

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