We were worried that you, the Wonkette Reader, might not have quite enough rage coursing through you today, and so here is the story, via Dan Savage at The Stranger, of Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old woman who died in Galway, Ireland, last month after doctors decided that, although she was already miscarrying and there was no chance her 17-week-old fetus could survive, she didn't quite qualify to have her life saved because the dying fetus still had a heartbeat.
i heard it last night on the world radio program as well. it's getting some traction even here and we're not known for, you know, furriners.
i'm so sorry miss. my grandmother too died after years with alzheimer's (she had to be put in a home as she beat up my granddad apparently).
Horrible disease, Alzheimer's, as SB said. When my father-in-law was diagnosed, my wife's cousin (who'd watched her own mother fade away over many years and then for a few more continue to breathe as a reminder that that body used to be home to a person) asked if he had any other health conditions. When my wife said no, she said "Bummer".
A miserable thing it is, to wish your loved ones dead, but that's what Alzheimer's does.
Bushmill&#039;s Irish Whiskey - <em>not</em> distilled in the Republic of Ireland. Jameson, on the other hand, is, and is responsible for roughly 75% of total Irish Whiskey production.
But given Irish whiskey&#039;s resurgance has been a recent thing after decades of decline, living in Scotch&#039;s shadow despite inventing the drink (or at least the name for it), if you want to account for the current crop of Irish adults, blame beer.
Yeah, me too (Lagavulin, Talisker, or whatever is cheap at the time as I&#039;m not that fussy now I have two kids in college). The distillery that produces Bushmill&#039;s is in &quot;the six counties&quot;
Yeah, most Catholic ladies I know (especially my wife) nod politely while old men sworn to celibacy waffle on about women&#039;s bodies, but pay them no heed when deciding what they would like to do with said bodies.
i heard it last night on the world radio program as well. it&#039;s getting some traction even here and we&#039;re not known for, you know, furriners.
i&#039;m so sorry miss. my grandmother too died after years with alzheimer&#039;s (she had to be put in a home as she beat up my granddad apparently).
i drink heavily so i will die before i get old.
Ever since somebody made fun of Palin&#039;s fucked up kid, you aren&#039;t allowed to say that on Wonkette.
Don&#039;t forget the especially apt &quot;langer&quot; (n: shithead, asshole)
Coming soon to a red state near you!
Horrible disease, Alzheimer&#039;s, as SB said. When my father-in-law was diagnosed, my wife&#039;s cousin (who&#039;d watched her own mother fade away over many years and then for a few more continue to breathe as a reminder that that body used to be home to a person) asked if he had any other health conditions. When my wife said no, she said &quot;Bummer&quot;.
A miserable thing it is, to wish your loved ones dead, but that&#039;s what Alzheimer&#039;s does.
Repulsive Pro-Life opinion on the case. <a href="http://spuc-director.blogsp..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://spuc-director.blogspot.com/">http://spuc-director.blogsp...
Bushmill&#039;s Irish Whiskey - <em>not</em> distilled in the Republic of Ireland. Jameson, on the other hand, is, and is responsible for roughly 75% of total Irish Whiskey production.
But given Irish whiskey&#039;s resurgance has been a recent thing after decades of decline, living in Scotch&#039;s shadow despite inventing the drink (or at least the name for it), if you want to account for the current crop of Irish adults, blame beer.
Produced in the <a href="" target="_blank">same distillery</a>.
Okay, there&#039;s a Bono joke.
Fuck this.
Yeah, me too (Lagavulin, Talisker, or whatever is cheap at the time as I&#039;m not that fussy now I have two kids in college). The distillery that produces Bushmill&#039;s is in &quot;the six counties&quot;
She was (hin)doing dentistry, according to the Independent. <a href="http://www.independent.co.u..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/th...">http://www.independent.co.u...
&quot;Two deaths good, one death bad&quot; -- Pro lifers
Yeah, most Catholic ladies I know (especially my wife) nod politely while old men sworn to celibacy waffle on about women&#039;s bodies, but pay them no heed when deciding what they would like to do with said bodies.
Look, how simple can we make this?
Life begins at rape.
How do you libtards not get this?