I mainly go to hear Anson Funderburgh play. It's not the same since Sam Myers passed on, man were they something special together, but I've been making an effort to see Anson for the last 35 years and don't intend to stop now that I am An Old. I missed the festival last year but plan to make the trip this fall. Boogie chillun!

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Sadly, some aren't managing to pay rent. :-(

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I dunno; I think the demise of industrial unions was largely due to concerted, systematic, generational, long-term persistent efforts at demonizing them by the forces of greed. Remember (or have you heard of) "All In The Family?" That show had a deep effect on America. The lead character was a union-member industrial worker, which a lot of folks could relate to, who was also a dreadful bigot, which I think arguably could be said to have gone a long way in persuading people of the pointless stupidity of such an attitude. I know that as a little kid, it had a profound effect on me in making me think, and resist the prevailing attitudes of the place where I grew up. Then again, I live in California, and I am constantly surprised at how deep & how ugly racism really is elsewhere.

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The resistance to unions by the forces of capitalism has certainly had a huge impact, but I think the story is a bit more complicated. The unions bear some culpability in devolving into incredible corruption and gangsterism. But racism was a huge factor. Are you old enough the remember the struggles of the Farmworkers Union trying to organize the fruit pickers in Cali? The muscular white guys beating the fuck out of them were Teamsters. The autoworkers union also had some nasty splits over race.

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My personal "thoughts" are that you missed this paragraph in the article, just above the map

Which brings us to this map of the counties where the IRS performs the most audits per capita, based on a recent study published in a journal for tax professionals. Big surprise! It's almost a perfectly drawn map of poverty and of minority populations, too. (There's an interactive version of the map at ProPublica, so you can see how your own county compares to the national average.) The darker, the more audits per 1000 tax filings.

Especially the first two sentences and the first interjection.

If you're about to exclaim "butbutbut look at the map" -- I suggest you get out your magnifying glass and your GoogleMaps or your atlas or whatever it is you use and scrutinize which counties in those darkest regions (the ones dok pointed out in the article are the ones most frequently targeted for these "audits") are majority-minority-populated.

Make no mistake – this is a systematic attack by the Cruelty-Loving Malevolent Maladministration to both target the material resources of the minority marginalized and take them away, but also to ever prevent them from getting any more if they can, so as to achieve their goal of creating a permanent servant underclass identifiable by race in the United States.

Maybe read some Tim Snyder, Sarah Kendzior, and Masha Gessen so you can understand this a little better and not just be guessing as you frame your future “hypotheses”.

Of course, if it was only Dok from whom you wanted "thoughts", please feel free to disregard (except don't, if you're a U.S. citizen who hasn't been disenfranchised of your voting rights and wants for this country to be able to continue as a democracy, because we all need to know this stuff if we don't already and to keep on learning about it if we do).

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Much the same in Arizona, N.M., and S. Dakota.

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You want to remember your " /s" tag. I sense there are people reading here (since this is an article about money - and that seems to be a somewhat disturbing correlation but that's another whole discussion) who would actually take your first sentence as gospel and completely disregard the second.

/weary sigh

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In fact, most of the highly audited places are Native American reservations, the Mississippi Delta, and the southern border...all places with large, extremely poor, and vulnerable minority populations.

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The devil called, and he doesn't need any more advocates -- he's got Sessions, DeVos, her brother Erik Prince, Moochin' Mnuchin, Bannin' Bannon, "Sheriff"s Arpaio and Clarke, Skinflint Mulvaney, "Clueless Nuke" Rick Perry, Yertle McConnell, and the Trump Crime Family.

He's full up. He doesn't need any more.

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I didn't know that the kid with a different name thing was like that. I work at an inpatient mental health facility and almost every kid we get has a different last name than their parent who is usually a single or divorced mom.

Pretty much any time someone tells me they're a Christian I'm suspicious of them by default. If they end up showing they're a decent person then I change my view of that specific person but overall I see so much cheating, scamming and overall dishonesty in the "christian" religion that I assume they're scumbags by default.

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Poorest and darkest of skins. They want the correlation. You can't create that "marked and identifiable" permanent servant underclass in the States without it (or at least you're going to have a harder time.

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OK, then I quit even though according to events in the Bible he's a lot better person than the depicted god who is a genocidal maniac.

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Law of Unintended Consequences.

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That's by design. BB DeVos wants them to have even more, and for public schools to have nothing. Can't create that "marked" permanent servant underclass in the States without that.

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