So, somewhat less than the percentage that claim to be good at math, then.

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" If anyone anywhere takes this clown seriously in the future, we will be shocked."

Are you serious? I'm pretty sure David Gregory, George Stephanopoulis, Tweety and other douchebag talking heads will take him just as seriously as ever.

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It's a heck of a lot of cut up hot dog's with mac and cheese, thats' for sure

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Yes but the homonym is "ASS-EYE" which is even more telling

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Sentenced to two consecutive life terms plus 28 years. Which totally makes sense to someone, somewhere.

Suggest you don't go look up what he did, it's gruesome.

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Depending on where you got your information, it may be full of shit.

Most of the articles I have read about him make him out to be some sort of Lothario.

He wasn't. He was very forward, but in an awkward, geeky way. Somewhat the opposite of the ladies man they portray.

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Didn't really pay much attention to the descriptions of him - although they did throw in a couple of references to charm.

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edward snowden for sure.

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and bamz got his ass handed to him by chicago pols. he has never been part of the machine.

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<i>Rep. Issa started releasing snippets of interviews with some IRS employees....</i>


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We both sold Nintendo games at a little store in Bellevue Square. A store that sold nothing but Nintendo products, called Try-Soft. It was right next to Nordy's, and we would sit out there on slow days and watch the hot rich ladies shop.

Was that not what you were thinking?

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It's what keeps them awake at night at NSA, so please don't stop. They get tired of reading text messages saying, "Im wiating outside, Myrna. U coming?"

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Silly, bathtubs already have rounded corners.

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After the Repubs snuff the Census, we won't know or care how many homeless or hungry there are in each community, so we'll just have to stop allocating money for them until we get better data.

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