Cursed goat, or cursing goat?

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I got about halfway through his Guardian article on the Verizon thing before I hit my GG;DR limit. Didn't even read the byline on the one about the NSA having a fat pipe from basically all the main search engines/email providers/etc. etc., got about a quarter of the way through, realized "this is Glenn again, isn't it?" checked the byline and sure 'nough.

So I'm saying I spent about an hour reading GG yesterday, and that covered probably less than half of two of his articles, or something. The man sure <em>loves</em> his own words.

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Especially Joe Scarborough.

Wait, what?

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Oh Jesus Christ enjoying some liver and onions...The HHS Secretary was relying on rules promulgated by the Bush 43 Administration, based upon a law signed by Saint Ronnie the Empty-Headed. So of course it's Obama's "Death Panels".

And now this judge has basically opened the door for any parent who can grab a lawyer to claim their kid is a special snowflake just like Sarah and should be able to jump in line and to hell with the "rules".

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I've watched them line dance, Macarena, Gangnam style, Harlem Shake and far worse. Much of it is stroking their egos (videos etc), the team building is about forcing them to cooperate and work as a unit, some of it is throwing them problem solving challenges (the show I just finished today had a segment where each table had to build something out of a box of pasta, marshmallows and some string). Often they do a lot of role playing- much of it is about developing more effective sales techniques. I'm not surprised that the IRS leaned toward the self esteem stuff, considering how bad that job must suck. Corny as it sounds, these things do work- it's psych 101.

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I hope you stocked the fridge...

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oh my god and here i was <i>trying</i> to eat healthy.

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How you know Obama has run one of the least scandalous administrations in history: the weak-assed shit the GOP tries to get traction with.

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"Republican brains". Assumes facts not in evidence.

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Get drunk?

Oh, wait, that's me.

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Silly Lionel. Obviously we should award valuable organs to the highest bidder.

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My wife died (twenty years ago) of pulmonary hypertension. She was 34. She was ineligible for a heart transplant because of her lungs. She was ineligible for a lung transplant because her right heart was already pretty shot. She didn't live long enough for a heart-lung transplant, because they are fucking rare.

I have a pretty good understanding of the transplant rules as they existed in 1992. And they made pretty good sense, in terms of optimal allocation of scarce resources (with heart-lung, unless the donor organs are absolutely pristine, they part them out, because then you have a fair chance of saving two lives).

Even my wife, who was the one dying, thought the rules made sense. Obviously, we hated the result, but difficult questions of medical ethics should be resolved by people who comprehend the overall situation; not by money, or publicity, or judges temporarily empowered to rule on things they don't understand.

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You agree with Sarah Palin on principle?

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With due respect to whoever you're stealing it from, it's at least GPL by now.

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