Well, yeah, but you're probably still better inside a mangled building than exposed to shit being thrown at you by 150 kph winds.

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Like accusing Bernie of things he didn’t do/say?

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Well said. I order lotsa shit from there, but don't blame me if the Congress won't craft tax laws that work to force corporations and billionaires to pay their share.

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I can hear those words coming from my KY in-laws after a few beers. Or rather Coors Lites.

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Great! Now do the Mayfield candle factory. Seriously. I hear that they would fire anyone who went home, but I know nothing about their designated shelters. The corporate flack who spoke for them on Sunday was short on specifics, but long on the unpredictability of tornadoes and sad-faced tots and pears clearly designed to get ahead of the story.

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OOO! Librul Jewish Space Lasers!

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Ah, I see. yes, the bigger rank gets the perks.

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AFAIK, Mayfield is the actual Triangle Shirtwaist analog. But of course that's not where the article went because it's more fun to go after Amazon.

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That's an interesting question. I think there is a group of Americans / voters who are willing to take issues on a case-by-case basis, and by and large they're "establishment" Democrats. They're caught between the Scylla and Charybdis of The Left and The Right. I choose my monsters carefully: Scylla threatens to eat only a few crewmen at a time, while Charybdis threatens to wreck the entire ship.

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I'm pretty sure if I told my employee she couldn't go home in a tornado and forced her to stay in a place with no basement, and then she died, I'd face some sort of charges beyond my own sense of guilt. But then, I am just a person, not a corporation, so I guess the laws apply to me.

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Not to mention you would likely be flying in the debris ball, being cut, hacked, shredded and pierced by debris. The second worst place to be in a tornado is your car.

If your house gets hit by an EF4(207-260MPH winds)or EF5 tornado(260-318MPH winds), your basement might not even save you.

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I can tell you that.

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My phone has an app from NOAA. I also have two other weather radar apps that show doppler and a traditional radar picture. Plus one of those NOAA radios. I'm kind of a weather geek.

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You had a book to protect your head? Back in my day, we had to fold our hands over the back of our necks.Kids these days!

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I watch this guy Ryan Hall, an amateur meterologist with all the bells and whistles and he talked about this weather event about four days before it happened. He said there would be tornados with the possibility of strong, long track tornados. He showed the area this would be happening in. He was right about everything, unfortunately

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I just hunted in five different stores, within a 1-hour radius of my home, for a soldering iron. Came up dry, so I ordered one from Amazon. I gave it the old college try, but...

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