More like Grumpy vs. Sleepy:

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Is this when Trump became too much?

Let's hope not.

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Upvotes for the concept of 7-11 Slurpee brain freeze being a treatable disorder. I don't know if you listen to the Welcome to Nightvale podcast but early on there was a PSA about not eating or storing wheat and wheat by-products as they had a tendency to turn into venomous snakes. So you could be on to something.

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I like this question and answer format.

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because that's all they've got - victimhood doesn't require substantiation or legitimacy

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my hero!!!!!!!!!!

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I have a high tolerance level, so no.

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Chiefly among 'em, pointing out W's proximity to the events of 9/11/01. The liberal media again declined to pursue it. Too divisive. Let's not look back.

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Book of Delusions 1:2:3

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I'm pretty sure President Bill Clinton was responsible for 9/11, but the liberal lamestream media just won't tell you the truth. Thank God Bush kept us safe.

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Someone somewhere may believe that, but no: http://www.politico.com/mag...

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In life you take gold where you find it, and Trump is taking on this total fool Carson ,and I love it.The sanctimonious insuffersble brainless brain surgeon should be a national joke.In all of my fascination with political history have I witnessed such a total unqualified, reckless ,moron as Carson with so much blind support. Bush 2 comes to mind, and we all know how that turned out - but at least he had a modicum of credential .

Trump is correct on war/intervention/ trade, and yes CARSON.The man is " pathological ".

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Dan Quayle can't get in. The Republicans have amended the Constitution so the presidential election will be decided by a spelling bee.

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Will Supervolcano accept Bristol Palin?

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Supervolcano is progressive but does have standards.

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Spellin is for ivory-towel leetists who can spel. A spelin bee is spittin in the face ov the GOP faithfull.

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