And they call lefties shrill.


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Republicans always get Alzheimer's under oath.

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I'll never forget watching this guy-- who everyone said was a straightup guy but with weird ideas-- take 75 minutes to slowly curate each answer to each simple question and this he disguised by stammering. At his time of life he wasn't even good at this. "The Mueller Report would come to him, of course, as attorney general," he said, "and he would.... he would... decide what parts of it were..... were releasable!"

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Can you wonder the people are upset?

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ad nauseam

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"who everyone said was a straight up guy" Who, Barr? No way. He revealed his true self during the Iran Contra debacle.

Originally published in 1992 Bill Barr: The “Cover-Up General”

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Oh yes? They'd say he's a well-respected guy, an institutionalist with tons of experience. This was in the context of Trump's administration, and the confidence that he'd be less nutty than Sessions. And then they'd say, 'but this memo is weird.'

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Actually I did not share that liberal fear. try to steal the election, yeah that I believed.

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That's all a concerned citizen can do.

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This will go absolutely nowhere because both sides of the aisle are more concerned with future-proofing themselves. Lots of noise, but in the end…nothing. Same deal as the filibuster.

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interesting question raised:

did DoJ go through proper channels to get surveillance warrants for congressfolk?

if they did, where's the problem?

the problem lies with the rules for obtaining surveillance warrants on American citizens not with the fact that the warrants were issued for congressfolks . . . the rules make it too easy to get secret warrants on anybody!

[ even minors! ]

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Ooh nice one! You've got to admire these creative guys, amiso-rite?

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Someone has to ask if Barr is lying?

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She was a character.

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The list of failures of political courage against abusers & criminals with power goes back to Andrew Johnson and proceeds through Hoover (both of them), Nixon, Bush 1 AND 2, and the entire fucking Drumpf team, with a special shout out to letting the 2000 Supreme Court that installed Bush 2 get away with it.

If we had stopped and prosecuted at any point in the past 150 years, the corruption that we allow in deference to comity we wouldn't be here now. And we're going to do it again.

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