THE FIRST AMENDMENT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY. "She didn't leave him so pffft" is NOT a fucking argument against prosecuting abuse or the enabling thereof.

When you believe in a religion, that's that! Worse, when everything you have & everyone you're close to depends on you staying in your religion(cult), your options are drastically limited. Fuck these lawyers and the judges who sided with them.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Hey, that's "freedom of religion" for you. When you allow people to believe whatever bullshit they want, this is what you get.

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The American legal system has made a joke out of 'benefit of the doubt'...When we fucking KNOW when something is wrong...When a BREATHTAKING amount of evidence proving a crime is heaped upon us..And we are FORCED to pretend that we don't know what we DO know...It's fucking gaslighting. I mean, I understand WHY these protections and high bars are in place. To protect the innocent. But those 'protections' are now used exclusively by powerful bad actors as loopholes,. If these protections were meant to protect the innocent, then why the FUCK does America incarcerate more innocent people than ANY OTHER first world country...

Oh, and about biased judges? Until we have ACTUAL robots passing down judgements and sentences, we're stuck with human beings who are by definition 'biased'...rule of law is in place to ameliorate the effects of bias...

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I'm an Atheist, but was brought up in Mormonism.........and even WE thought those Scientology fuckers were some crazy sumbitches........

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If you substitute Republican Party for Church of Scientology here you could just run it up to the Supreme Court for a favorable ruling.

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(Apologies for riding my hobby horse all over the comments this morning. I've been doing this for 30 years, and I'm still triggered..)

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That Scientology is even considered a religion is an affront to all other religions.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

The use of the US legal system to trounce any opposition from ex-victims has reached a plateau of success with the "arbitration." The criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology has managed to convince far too many judges that civil law requires the ex-victims to be bound by the contract - contracts being very important for commercial law. At the same time, the same contracts are sacred religious texts which the same judges are forbidden from even reading, because first amendment and "church."

What a circus.

Much more at The Underground Bunker and here on substack at https://tonyortega.substack.com/

(This has not been a commercial break, subscription is not mandatory, but still a good idea, at both the Underground Bunker and Wonkette)

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Scientology is such bullshit and run by truly horrible people. If they all fell off the face of the Earth, it would be a great start.

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This is fucked up in so many ways...

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Apr 18Liked by Robyn Pennacchia

FWIW, California courts have routinely thrown out one-sided arbitration clauses like this. The leading case is Graham v. Scissor-Tail, where the California Supremes ruled that Bill Graham did not have to arbitrate his dispute with Leon Russell before an arbitrator provided by the American Federation of Musicians (Russell’s Union). (Please insert Leon Russell lyric witticism here.)

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I'm curious why they have a cross on their building.

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It is NOT a church it is a CULT. How do people keep falling for this shit? I don't know this 16 yo girl's background but dayum how did you get there in the first place. TAX THEM TO EXTINCTION.

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Even the IRS is afraid of this organization. They started to investigate and got so harassed they stopped.

I will never forget the perfect timing of my Mormon coworker when we were looking out of the new We Work office window that overlooked the SF Scientology office and I said, "hey let's go mess with the Scientologists ,Jonathan." And he takes a sip of his beverage and said, "And they say my religion is weird"

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Remember when another religion wanted to establish a religious "court" and the local mayor and the media had a mini-meltdown about "OMG, Sharia Law? We cannot have that!" https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/jul/16/chain-email/chain-email-muslims-tried-open-nations-first-shari/

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