Can I get some "decision points" to add to my "p" points?
Bush is laughing all the way to the bank. His "book" is #2 on Amazon (12/24).
I dunno about "post-modern" or "classic". But political books today are immune from accuracy; they only need orthodoxy. Personally, I think this is stronger on the right, but I'm just pulling that out of my ass.
Now you&#039;ll get the Palinistas on your ass for equating Bush with Trig (or Trip or Trik or whatever-the-fuck she called that kid).
Can I get some &quot;decision points&quot; to add to my &quot;p&quot; points?
Bush is laughing all the way to the bank. His &quot;book&quot; is #2 on Amazon (12/24).
I dunno about &quot;post-modern&quot; or &quot;classic&quot;. But political books today are immune from accuracy; they only need orthodoxy. Personally, I think this is stronger on the right, but I&#039;m just pulling that out of my ass.
Perhaps it was inspired by Sarah Palin&#039;s upcoming newest memoir &quot;Something Ridiculous This Way Twitters&quot;.
Maybe if God was a coked out accountant.
A few ibuprofen and a bottle of wine and I&#039;m willing to try anything.