I believe that DJT is an atheist. He sure as fuck isn't a Xtian, although neither are 99% of his followers.

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Thank you! Now give me my clothes back.

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I used Chantyx to quit smoking and one of the side effects that I was warned about were very weird and vivid dreams. The stuff worked just fine to get me to kick cigs but I never ever had the weird dreams that I was promised. And now I'm pissed.

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"Lockett said he grabbed Karen Pence by the shoulders"

Wasn't her pussy available?

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I thought we are going to kill the filibuster? Or is that a constitution actual thing, 67 votes?

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Impeachment conviction needs 2/3 -- explicit in the Constitution.

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There is no question that Drumpfuck doesn't believe in any gawds other than the "gawd" he believes himself to be.

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You'd think god would prefer the democrats since fewer abortions actually happen with support for women's healthcare and birth control than with republican scolding.

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"Fear" was pretty good, but he's no Alfred Bester

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Remember when Ted Cruz and Michelle Bachmann both publicly claimed to have had "dreams" where gawd told Michelle she would win the presidency and Ted claims gawd told him the same thing!

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We've got to "do god's work!" because an all powerful and omniscient god is too incompetent and lazy to do his own damn work.

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Actually, I kinda like the ceremony of the Mass, still can sing much of it.

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And of course he ridiculed them as soon as they were out of the room.

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No, he'll go with Barbara Lagoa from Florida because he thinks that will get him more votes down there.

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Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine....my sins, my own, they belong to me.

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From Donald Trump's point of view, and William Barr's, the number of grass-green juvenile zealots with no qualifications who are placed on the Supreme Court - and all the others - the better, so long as they are right wing.

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