Guv, why don't you just tell people that if they cannot in good conscience open a business that abides by our country's anti-discrimination laws (oh, and the 14th amendment of the Constitution), then don't fucking open a business.

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Yeah he does a lot of gay hating, but he's really clumsy at it. A word not associated with Michael Jordan.

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The only reason why Mike Pence should wear lipstick is so that he can pucker up, blot twice, and kiss my very nelly ass.

And he damn well better pick the right shade, also too, because I don't want any of that CVS store brand bullshit cluttering up my backside.

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If being thankful for blow jobs and ice cream is gay, I don't wanna be straight.

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"there’s no question to mainstream homosexuality within active duty military would have an impact on unit cohesion would have an impact on recruitment, an impact on readiness"

That is exactly what happened when the military was racially integrated. Except it didn't. Also exactly what happened with the military was (mostly) gender integrated. Except it didn't, though there it is more rapey. And who can forget what happened when homosexuals began to serve in the military 6000 years ago (young earth!).

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You know, it really, really says something when the governor of a state is saying "Gays are second class citizens", while the mayor of the state capitol is saying this. http://www.visitindy.com/in...

Congratulations, Mike Pence. I'm not going to spend a dime in your state (I live right next door and visit often), UNLESS I'm spending it in Indianapolis.

Pence, you are the perfect example of the stereotype everyone brings up when they mention "flyover states". Ignorant, bigoted, selfish, and disgusting. You sir, are not a Hoosier. You never will be one. You're just a man living in Indiana.

Mayor Ballard on the other hand, you represent "Hoosier Hospitality" in all it's wonderful forms. You made a firm statement, with no BS, and I respect and admire you for it. YOU make me proud to be a Hoosier.

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What exactly is the problem they were trying to solve? Too many teh gheys suing churches to get married? Florists and bakers being forced to make bouquets and cakes for people they don't approve of? Hotels powerless to stop Mr. and Mr. Smith from checking in?

This is like voter ID - a solution in search of a problem.

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Seriously. I am literally kind of obsessed with ice cream and blow jobs. I didn't know that was a bad thing.

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The animals are pretty concerned as well. They may be quadrupeds, but they have standards.

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They deny having the problem that it's actually intended to solve . . . hence the fake issues of "voter fraud" and "persecution". Nobody on either side believes this bullshit, but - as with old Soviet (and current N. Korean) propaganda - when you have to say something, and it can't be the truth, you tell bald-faced lies.

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Bit of history re "religious freedom" (and the rise of Fundie politics) in the USA, courtesy of Think Progress:

Bob Jones University excluded African Americans completely until the early 1970s, when it began permitting black students to attend so long as they were married (!) In 1975, they permited unmarried black students (hide yer daughters!), but continued to prohibit interracial dating, interracial marriage, or even being affiliated with an organization which "advocates interracial marriage.” As a result, the Internal Revenue Service revoked Bob Jones’ tax-exempt status.

According to Paul Weyrich (inventor of the “moral majority”), the IRS’ move against Bob Jones was the single most important issue driving the birth of modern day religious conservatism. According to Weyrich, it was not school prayer, nor was it abortion -- it was the government’s "move against the Christian schools” that really got fundie panties in a bunch.

When the case reached the Supreme Court, BJU argued that IRS regulations denying tax exemptions to racist institutions “cannot constitutionally be applied to schools that engage in racial discrimination on the basis of sincerely held religious beliefs.” (Familiar phrase, is it not?) In an 8-1 decision, authored by Chief Justice Warren Burger, the Court explained that “this Court has found certain governmental interests so compelling as to allow even regulations prohibiting religiously based conduct.”

You will be shocked, shocked to hear that Bob Jones's "sincerely held religiious beliefs" took a back seat to money - they changed the policy rather than pay taxes.

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Where are all the fucking Tea Baggers, the quasi-libertarians who are always railing about "invasive" government and "overreach"? Where are they when there really IS a clear case for libertarian blowback? They are not to be found, that's where. And that is exactly why I hate the Tea Party. They don't even believe what they believe...

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Oh, I think they know what the problem is.....

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Be honest. They aren't backpedaling because of the outcry. They are reacting to the true god of the gop, they are going to lose money and a shitton of it. This is where they part company with the true religious believers, took Iran a lot longer for sanctions to force them to come to the table. That's what you get when you have a party run by uber wealthy individuals that will rob the poor of their last dime and not lose a wink of sleep.

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Thank you for using the word "quasi-libertarians", although I fear these ignorant yahoos have pretty much sunk the original meaning of libertarianism now :(

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at the same time? :/

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