His bruised vanity is the only reason he ever even ran.

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Yes - I tried upvoting from another machine where I'm not logged into Disqus, and it won't let you unless you sign in. Not sure how else it would work to have a guest vote appear, though I would have thought all the up and down votes would disappear if someone deletes their account. But then, I iz not Disqus.

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Not even close. I make decent money but not millions. Not even hundreds of thousands.

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This is where you'd want to go with an average. The top earners are likely department directors in big hospitals or mid to upper management for a chain.

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It's almost like Tillerson has no diplomatic experience and knows absolutely nothing whatsoever relevant to being Secretary of State and is woefully unqualified for the job.,

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Yeah, that's right. But that doesn't mean that half makes 3x the median. You're going to have to prove that the top earners make that much or more and the number of them that qualify for your claim.

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They'll also be doing other ethnicities later. Our family will definitely need the Hispanic-American one.

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Well, if you're into gay men, I know a few.

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Now if Duterte had killed 6,000 barrels of oil, I'm quite sure Rexie would have an opinion about THAT.

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Don't take any drinks from these men.

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Love the MST3k version!

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It's almost if the drugs angle is just an excuse to rid himself of anyone he doesn't like!

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Hey, lookit the incoming president! Idiocracy in full swing.

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So, the careful analysis of a situation by the Trump administration to determine if there's a human rights violation is:

1. Does the President have any properties there?2. Do they have oil?

(Hint: If the answer to #1 or #2 is yes, don't fuck with them.)

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Fuck the oath of allegiance. He wants the Non-Disclosure Agreements.

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Actually, it's $383,001. Yes, if between the wife and his income from McDonald's they make that $, they will part of the top 1% income earners.


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