Voter suppression, by whatever name, is de facto racism. Thanks, $5F.

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I can see I will be voting in favor of non-citizens voting next year.

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"Some people are saying that. Some shrill, nasty Democrats are saying that."

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Well, the 57-year-old actor has already divorced Wife #3, so he should fit right in with this modern-day Christian values crowd.

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"Lyda is committed to waiting until she is married to this guy who would then be on his fourth wife and boasts an average marital length of 5 years to have sex."


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Mike Pence.Someone must have explained it to him and he liked the sound of it.

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Because they can't make a good-faith argument on their own merits.

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Gina Loudon:

it is quite possible that this president is the most sound minded person to ever occupy the White House

Good. That means that, for the trials for embezzlement and such, Trump will not be able to play the "mentally irresponsible" defense card.

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"My book actually uses science and real data and true psychological theory to explain why it is quite possible that this president is the most sound minded person to ever occupy the White House."Am I a bad person because I REALLY wanna read this book now?

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They don't even need to live in the US.

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I can vouch for that.Signed,A layman with 1year of community college.

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Of course, it doesn't require any level of education to realise that "Dr." Gina is full to the brim with bovine excrement.It just takes a functioning brain. :-)

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I like bitters now and again. Maybe I tried a shitty brand of kambucha.

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