Thing is, this kind of character flaw is the kind of thing that comes out in BUD/S. So why the fuck let such a morally bereft scumbag wear that trident?

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Truth in advertising: The memorial "Fuck you guys and who gives a fuck about you veterans anyways" parking lot.

We have a word for guys like him in the military. He's a "Blue Falcon" with a bronze B for backstabbing.

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He should Go To Jail. He should Not Collect $200. BUT he SHOULD pass Go. He should pass an entire Go set out his pee-hole.

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and an INTENTIONALLY understaffed office.


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He's not fit to wear that Budweiser.

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Am unusually down today....it just never stops...this barrage of evil and greed and grifting....sitting here w rescued from behind gas station kitten...wqed pittsburgh classic music station...made a big batch of sauerkraut(!)...great book....netflix...cant get out of this funk...i loathe these people....truly madly

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Cute, his brewery biz is called "Double Tap", which is mil slang for "Shoot him twice in quick succession". Kinda morbid, no?

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The question is, which one?If your answer is not "All Of Them, Katie", what are you doing here?

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For Republicans, that's a feature, not a bug.

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And wouldn't have enough to blow the shit out of his ears.

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Well, I got a sale wine for seven bucks (which I am putting away right now and I don't mean in the cabinet), but what I really want is creme de cassis and a nice tart bright white so I can make kir like my daddy taught me.

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Sensible choice.

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You and everyone else, Handsome Joe.

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Everything between the Appalachians and Rockies. You know, the stuff the British told the colonists to stay out of.

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We try to, but they keep ending up in the news.

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They wear better suits now.

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