While I agree with that wholeheartedly grade school kids can't keep those secrets for any length of time. It has to show in the home at some point. After saying that many parents don't pay attention to a lot of that and when it 'suddenly appears' they attack outside entities rather than themselves. As for young teens and above that's a whole other story.

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Oh, yes. I absolutely know as I was raised fundie and wasn't allowed to trick-or-treat, at least not after 3rd grade when my parents started attending a church that taught it was evil and the "devil's holiday."

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Thanks! I just hope this isn't a prelude to trying to keep children from using their imaginations. It seems to me these "protect the children" politics the right wing is pushing morphs into child abuse rather easily and quickly. See: gay and trans kids, treatment of by MAGA.

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Mason, Ohio, is home of one of the largest tennis stadiums in the world, but not the largest. Get a move on, Mason!

And buckle down, Winsocki!

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Remember when half the Christians were certain that Clinton was going to shut down their radio and teevee stations?

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Really, parents don't have to worry unless their kids are identifying as Sasquatch.

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Speaking of which, Corey Lewandowski has gone feral and is threatening customers of Canobie Lake amusement park.


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Now my central question is; "What sane Human doesn't think Chipmunks are the cuteish thing ever." I'm talking "real ones" not animated.

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Dear people of Ohio,

YOU NEED GOVERNMENT TO DO STUFF. ACTUAL STUFF THAT AFFECTS YOUR ACTUAL LIFE. Stop falling for stupid lies that aren't even plausible for one second.

Much love, CaroveeP.S. You too, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and literally every state in the southern half of the country.

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Sadly, Thiel is gonna keep flinging Vance at Ohio as long as he thinks Vance has some kind of shot.

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quoting Michael Scott: "I gotta go wash my eyes."

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JD's biggest worry should be that none of his kids want to identify as a Vance.

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I think that's the problem. They tried to make white people afraid to use the bathroom with POC and that worked for awhile but so much not anymore. They had a hit for while with the trans bathroom panic but it doesn't seem to have legs. Now they are digging deep to the bottom of the barrel to find something in the bathroom to fear.

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There was a girl at my kids elementary school who wore bunny ears every day for several years. No one cared.

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Not really, but I was a teen then and still living in fundie-land where my "information sphere" was tightly controlled.

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Given that cats are treated relatively well, relative to teenage girls, I wouldn't wonder that they did.

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