We should have rounded up the worst of them and shipped them back to Europe.

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He's a gym teacher. It's not like he has a degree in history.

Of course, Woody Hayes, the absolute patron saint of Ohio State football, did have a degree in history.

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I've been using murder cult. While they talk big about dying for their beliefs, they're much more into killing for their beliefs.

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Which Columbus area rep? One of those is Joyce Beatty, Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

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So, the second time was The Producers?

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most definitely...Its the 'not knowing' that's so unsettling

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I had a guy named Mohammed working for me at the time. Good person, but there was nothing I could do to help him move through the world.

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Don't forget they want Rump as king, and they certainly wanted the Bushes as hereditary royalty.

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He is not allowed there!! I say so! That place has a functional democracy, he will not fit in!

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Let us not forget that Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader, and rabid Republican, gave out copies of Rules for Radicals to all of the Teabag Members of Congress. Joke “professor” and philanderer Newt Gingrich used the book as a guideline for his campaigns. Closet case William F. Buckley Junior praised Alinksy in his book as “very close to being an organizational genius.”

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Republicans actually LIKE ignorant child molesters.

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Do you have access to Xanax? Because you sound stressed.

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Probably why Gingrich, Buckley, and Dick Armey all recommended it.

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The Hessians, for example, were German mercenaries.

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Wasn't Britain's main strength in their non-coms since their officers were often nobles who bought their commissions because they liked the uniforms but knew nothing of battle tactics? I'm remembering Gallipolli where the officers were morons.

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