New Hampshire is trying to go the way of Florida? Why do all these Republican politicians want to race to the bottom so badly?

And if New Hampshire citizens want to "live free or die" by setting Florida as their goal, well Florida has recently got many new ways to die, leprosy being one of them, and these good folk of New Hampshire, should they choose to die, may get to experience some of them.

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Maggie Hassan.

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Recreational marijuana is legal in MA, it's not in the 'freedom' state of NH.

You can only buy hard alcohol in NH at state owned stores.

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Yeah, but depending on what you want to put into your head, in Mass. you might have to wait 60 days.

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I remember back in the 70s and 80s when all decent people thought women would save the world...Little did we know that we'd need to qualify that BIGLY..."DEMOCRATIC women" will save the world...RW fascist women are JUST as much garbage as their male counterparts....

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I recall that as well, and back then I used to look at Margaret Thatcher and Phyllis Schlafly and Anita Bryant and go: "Wha?"

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I'd love for my state to drive away gun owners who can't live with a measly 10 round magazine but, uh, Texas.

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No point. They'd just start carrying more guns.

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Your right to arm up to the extent of your insecurities ends at the point of my slaughter and that of 5-20 others.

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I was hoping to never see that spinless weirdo again.

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I hate that fake-ass republican "strength" they vainly try to convey.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

The unfortunate truth is when it comes to the idea of "Live Free or Die," New Hampshirites do tend to be a bit unhinged. In between the Nice White Liberal enclaves are pockets of sovereign citizens, doomsday preppers, and your classic backwoods anti-gubmint types who will absolutely buy into all of this. Additionally, anything tagged as becoming too Massachusetts is bound to be believed. New Hampshire has been fighting "Massholes" fleeing to their cheaper cost of living state for decades now, to the point where small towns are purposely keeping roads unpaved to keep out the bourgeoise McMansion crowds.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

I live in NH. I think you're largely correct, but I'm not sure on balance there's anymore nut jobs as you'll find in Maine or VT (Google "Slate Ridge, Pawlet, VT"). Maine elected and re-elected "moderate" Susan Collins as well as RWNJ Governor Paul LePage after all.

We do have the "Free Staters," who are just really embarrassing, and at least one of these idiots was recently sentenced to a long stretch in federal prison for money laundering at their "BitCoin Embassy."

I'm clinging to hope that we'll be able to keep Ayotte and other freaks out. The state GOP legislature has become truly unhinged since all the gerrymandering. If not, I'm eyeballing Nova Scotia because I'm sick of these lunatics.

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Oh definitely, it's the whole Upper New England. But the article is about NH specifically. I've got family living in NH who are pretty liberal (and a bit too old to be starting over somewhere), and I get kept up to date on everything that Lower New England and New York are doing wrong.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

It's the whole country. All the states haz nutbars. I live in Jersey City, which is one of the most diverse places in the country and is solidly Democratic, but we just had a bomb threat and a small group of protestors at a drag queen story hour at one of our parks.

The protestors were all women wearing long skirts (one was in jeans but made up for it by wearing an ugly Jesus tank top) and one *brought her child with Down's syndrome*. And they had protest signs affixed to large wooden sticks of the kind that would NEVER be allowed at a left-wing protest.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Yes, New Hampshire enjoys a relatively low crime rate ..."

You try driving a getaway car on their shitty roads.

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Didn't New Hampshire have that town that was taken over by libertarians, and then gradually collapsed to the point where it ultimately fell to the Ursine menace?

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

𝘈 𝘓𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘞𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘴 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘳: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘜𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘗𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘓𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘛𝘰𝘸𝘯 (𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴) is a wild tale, at once hilarious and depressing.

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It's like a domestic version of Galt's Gulch.

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Just once I'd like one of these bastards to be honest and say, "I'm running for governor because I need a job."

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That was once Bob Dole's response when he was asked why he was running as Ford's vice-presidential nominee.

"It's indoor work, no heavy lifting."

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Like most vice presidents in this era, Garner had little to do and little influence on the president's policies. He famously described the vice presidency as being "not worth a bucket of warm piss" (for many years, this quote was bowdlerized as "warm spit".)

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Trump is a role model for kids."

DAMN. I'm not complaining, but if the Substack non-comments allowed images, we would be here ALL DAY posting them.

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I am.

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How dark indeed (aside from the logo), holding his coffee mug in one hand when he knows that Trump can't do that!

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Have I mentioned yet today how much I hate that there's no thumbnails on this shitstack thing.,

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NH has it's right wing losers, but the idea that it's the "south of the north" is a bit exaggerated. And trust me, you see A LOT of Trump signs over the border in Vermont, just not in the same numbers.

Before Sununu, NH had Dem Maggie Hassan for 3 terms as governor. Before that, Dem John Lynch for 4 terms...one of the most popular governors in the state's history. During those times, the Dems had a super majority in the legislature at least once, as well as a majority on the all-important Executive Council. And at the moment, both NH senators and congressional reps are Dems. It is not Alabama. After getting their asses kicked for a decade, the NH GOP gerrymandered the shit out of the state. So much so that their last proposal was actually rejected by their boy Sununu.

So, if Awful Kelly Ayotte wants to rebrand herself as the next Don Bolduc, fine with me. I don't think NH really wants a culture warrior.

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I think it just gets a bad rep because the libertarians tried--and failed--to take it over. But you're right. Even in MA (especially in MA--koff BOSTON koff--) the bigots are thick on the ground.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

"Chris Sununu is serving his fourth term as governor and his regular appearances on the Sunday morning shows provided hope to naive viewers that there were still “normal” Republicans in significant numbers, like, say just one."

Chris Sununu is in no way normal. I watch him ALL the time on the Sunday shows and on CNN. He repeats the same brain dead talking points that all Republicans spew, only he says them a lot faster and with a smile on his face. He might be less openly racist than someone like Tommy Tuberville, but he's still an asshole. I think he's even using the "abortion up to the minute of birth" bullshit.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

More Guns. Less Crime is the title of a book by an academic named John Lott, who "proved" that very claim. Other academics disagreed. Lott even had a sockpuppet that he used to post support for himself.

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