The ads in the middle that slooooowwwwwly "roll down" then slooooooowwwwwwly roll back up only to immediately roll down again are <em>really</em> annoying.

But the page hijack when you click an outbound link (which then opens in a new window) is <strong>the worst</strong>, because it means I can't follow outbound links <em>at all</em> when reading on my ipad through Facebook... which is how I mostly Wonk these days. And yeah, while my desktop is fast enough the page loads don't bother me, on the tablet they're ridiculous

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Sounds like you might have dodged a bullet there.

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She considers herself to be a Very Serious Actress. Really can't prove it by me since I've never seen her in anything that didn't require her to sigh, get all teary and proclaim "I love Christmas!" every 15 minutes like it's some kind of grand revelation that no one has ever made before.

I also get unintentional laughs when they have her attempt to play a hard nosed executive or a brain surgeon in her baby doll voice. If they ever stop making those simple-minded, Christmasy, tear-jerker chick flicks, she might very well starve to death.

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One of us isn't a true connoisseur of terrible movies but I don't know if it's me or Dok - anyway, I could never make a list of them that didn't feature Highlander II and Darkman III prominently, those were <em>bad</em>, man.

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Sy Fy are intentionally trying to make movies that are "so bad they're good", which is impossible to nail if you try, but they have a formula that gets them close enough to stay in business.

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A certain convicted felon d'mands to d'know why he d'dn't make the d'list.

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Old? My grandson went to school with St. Nicholas of Myra's grandfather.

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An interesting read for the Xtards would be the storly of an <a href="http:\/\/www.timetravel-britain.com\/articles\/christmas\/ban.shtml" target="_blank">actual War on Christmas.</a>

Which might asplode the head of a certain Colorado radio preacher/howling lunatic.

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My all-time favorite entertainingly bad movie is "Killer Klowns From Outer Space". No way "Saving Christmas" could match that level of awful/funny.

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Christmas really needs some saving in North Korea.

Kirk should go.

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<i>But is it truly the worst movie ever?</i>

I'd like to nominate "Christmas Story 2" if we're starting a list.

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Best of the comments-not sure if it's sincere or pure performance art...

<i>Saving Christmas will save us all from hell. This is not just my opinion this is a biblical fact. Jesus wants every person on earth to celebrate his birthday and in return he will provide us an eternity in paradise. Unfortunately for ISIS the only virgins they will see in Heaven will be my daughters and they have been instructed by the lord to not lay with men of the sword.

I'm glad that I can watch this movie with my daughters who are 16 and 18 and not have to explain embarrassing suggestive scenes to them. Having honest conversations with children about how their body works was never done by Jesus so there is no good reason to start now after 2,000 years of avoiding basic parental responsibilities. My mother always said 'They will learn or they will burn' but they will burn themselves to purify themselves for the lord.

Even though my children are hungry, I have donated all of my disposable income to Christ. They asked me "Why don't you plan for our future, pay for our college or invest for retirement?" Do you know what I tell them? I am! They will understand when they go to Heaven and see our mansion with all the food they can eat, although they wont be hungry ever again. The food will be decorative.

I'm ashamed we live in a nation where only 90% of people KNOW THE TRUTH OF THE LORD. That might be enough to earn an A in a commie college classroom but in God's eyes that is a slap in the face. The only solution to our nation's debt is to spend all of our money on CHRISTmas presents so that our economy will be better.

Thank you Kirk Cameron for being a Prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ in his name we pray Amen. </i>

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You forgot "An American Carol", with Kelsey Grammar as General George Patton!

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Armageddon. A deliciously bad mix of pretentiousness, plot holes, bad acting and Bruce Willis. There's a scene before they're about to blast off to save the world and all the NASA guys shout "Engines!" "Go for launch!". "Life support!" "Go for launch!" "Retro rockets!" "Go for launch!". And I can't help but think if I was the retro rockets guy and the saving the world was at stake, it might go more like "Retro rockets!" "Um ... got a little problem ... ah, fuck those guys, i got kids ... GO FOR LAUNCH!"

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"To call this a film is to be more charitable than perhaps even Jesus would be. " "This movie almost made me find religion. Several times I distinctly remember saying "Lord, take me now!"." ""Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" smells worse than a rotting walrus corpse in Arizona in August" " After half an hour I realized that I could not physically survive the amount of liquor required to finish watching this rambling tirade of a film." That's all on the first of 176 pages, so....yeah.

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I've got Jesus' Birthday cake-bakers in my family! Candles, the whole nine yards. I always wanted to ask about what determines the correct number of candles, but didn't want to be disrespectful when they obviously were taking it quite seriously.

I always looked at it as a pretty good excuse for an extra dessert along with the traditional pies, but then they somehow decided to go "gluten free" and poof, any food-based proselytizing was totally ruined for this atheist.

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