She would look like Carol Anne on Poltergeist

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If I had to be her, I'd be drunk 24/7 myself.

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Hence their self-serving motivation for traitorous actions.

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Aaaagh! So I was so wrong on that call...

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I didn't say there was anything wrong with that.

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And have a husband like hers

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Nothin' like a day drunk.

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It is a dark time for Republicans.

In some ways, it actually is. Yeah, their terrible policies are getting passed, but everyone who isn't already part of their death cult hates them, so the party's not growing. Non-establishment Democrats, whether Presidential candidates like Warren and Harris or office holders like The Squad, Maxine Waters and Elijah Cummings, are fighting back hard. And worst/best of all, the GOP's hold on power has a foundation of sand. Trump is holding the party together, but he won't be around much longer; what happens when he and his aging base are gone? Does any other Republican have his wretched "charisma"? Will they really be able to cheat their way to "victory" forever? It's a dark time for America (and the world), but always remember that for Republicans, the worst is yet to come.

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Well, she did get stuck in a teevee, after all...

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Poor Cindy Lou was busted stealing pain pills from her own charity. CL's(AKA Beer Barbie) excuse was she was in so much pain because the wives of DC lawmakers were so mean to her. Excuse me while i barf...again.

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"When two boats love each other very much..."

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The ship or the senator?

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Maggin McCann sux

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They probably were mean to her. It's not easy being married, especially to dickheads who may dump you for a younger staffer.

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Now that the Republican party is an anti-democracy, pro-Dictatorship, neo-nazi, white nationalist totalitarian party.... we're going to have to reconsider the use of the "conservative" label. I have never voted for a Republican in my life and I feel a lot more "conservative" than these MAGAt radicals.

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they've appropriated the conservative culture! ;)

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