And to remind ourselves that she changed her name because Trump told her to, what a fucking worm.

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How about something drinkable, like good scotch?

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Oh, you are awful. I saw what you did there.

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crap, didn't that lose us the 2000 election?

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You know, pretty much EVERYTHING the GOP does now is performance art...the only thing that varies is the target audience. They no longer even make a cursory nod in the direction of actual governance.

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No debates? Sigh.Can we photoshop the flies in, maybe?

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Staples removed and put back in? That sounds painful.

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I don't see how she survived losing the WH, Senate and House so badly. Maybe the Mittens connection was the only thing that did saved her.

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It was a first impression!

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Ronna, let me tell you a little story about Crispus Attucks, a Black high school in Indiana. They won the state championship in 1954 and 1955, with Oscar Robertson on the team. Their coach told them that every foul call would go against them. A year or two earlier they tried playing a gentleman’s game but other teams walked all over them. They decided to take the foul calls but play such a good game they won the championship any way, twice. Admittedly, they beat another Black team in 54, but they had to beat white teams to get there.

So Ronna, don’t give me this bullshit about rules and bias. Your candidates suck.

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Remember when we used to joke about Obama having a time machine? Well, now a Q-grifter apparently has one.


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The real Jack Johnson (in 1915), the first Black American world heavyweight boxing champion...


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The Scots despise Trump and I assume their liquor would too.

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So the Repubs may skip the debates. What's the bad news?

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^^^^^THIS - a million times over. Note that it was LORNE MICHAES (VILE POS) who pushed for Trump to be on SNL, and he is just as repsonsible than any number of Republicans that helped Trump win...

"Taran Killam says Lorne Michaels pressed SNL writers to go easy on Donald Trump"


A great reader comment from that page...

That Jimmy Fallon continues to get shit upon for mussing Trump’s hair but Lorne gets a pass is beyond me.Not saying that Jimmy doesn’t deserve it; just saying that Lorne deserves it just as much.

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Isn't a row of portajohns in NJ in the summer just like a row of Jerseyites being down the shore?

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