Going rogue in Mother Russia might result in your next cocktail being radioactive.

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In post-communist Russia, <i>you</i> make <i>Ebola</i> vomit.

Thank you, thank you. Please try the borscht.

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How do you get Cyrillic characters into a post? I can think of at least one circumstance where it might be useful.

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Well, they're not cancelling the hooligan exchange program, are they? Because the USA is in desparate need of more violent, dumb idiots.

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One of our leading press watchdogs will run with a story because it's feeding conspiracy theories and raising suspicions. Journalmalism was sorta useful while it lasted...

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interestingly, a 78 year old Frank Serpico has a decent article there today on the continuing police violence and corruption. apparently, it's his turn to be the exception that proves the rule when it comes to all-drivel, all the time from the hacks at Politico

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Riley- a quick suggestion: fix your hyperlinks so they don't take you away from teh wonket, but rather open in a new window or tab

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<blockquote>With Ebola now killing 0.000001% of Americans who might have otherwise died naturally from self-inflicted gunshot wounds, diabetes, car accidents or no-knock, wrong-condo SWAT raids</blockquote>

You've actually overstated the problem by a factor of 3. And that asshole was the one who started the outbreak in Nigeria.

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Alberto Gonzales?

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Other alternatives: alt+lots of numbers, or changing your keyboard layout in control panel.

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Let's meet for cocktails on the Vistula!

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Pasties? Nipple covers or hand held meat pies from Cornwall?

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