None. That’s why he had to go into politics.

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Opus has a bad reaction, probably to a nude selfie leaked...? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I have a policy to ignore anything that proceeds from a person named "Rand". It's rule 23.a. Rule 23 says "Names count." 23.b is "Never trust an Adolf."

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Sean Hannity has the same first name as Sean Bean and a bean causes flatulence! It's un-American!

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Rand strikes me as the kind of guy who would just cry. A lot.

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So, Adolph Rand 2020?

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From the Wiki:

“Despite his father's libertarian views and strong support for individual rights, the novelist Ayn Rand was not the inspiration for his first name. Growing up, he went by "Randy", but his wife shortened it to ‘Rand.’”

I also learned in this Wikipedia foray that Ron Paul is a Yoni Doctor! What sane woman would let him put his hands on her hoo hoo?!!?

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FOLLOW THE MONEY. I know, cliche... but it's all part of Reaganomics. How, you ask? Russian money has "trickled down" ( more like the Mississippi River) from the oligarchs, to the Trump campaign and administration, where it formed several large streams. One stream went to Congress in the form of campaign contributions (after being laundered by Trump associates and/or family). The other stream was less a stream than a setoff against what the Orange Asshole already owed Vladman. Once Randy Paul found out about all this "free money", it was only natural, considering the history of his father's campaign, not to mention his own, to want his share. And all these elected recipients had to do was trade their loyalty to the United States for beaucoup Russian rubles. Easy peasy. So Mitch received an enormous contribution from some local straw man . Paul, having scored his chunk of cash no longer needed to wonk it out in The House. Now the only question is whether Big Bob can test the water, so to speak, and determine whether any of it was originally used in a Russian Laundry. Pretty sure it was, but not sure at all if Mueller can make that one in court.

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The REAL question is why is Rand turning clockwork orange and getting fish-belly pallid around the eyes? Is that a contagious condition?

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Ryand the Russian has identity issues.

He's the spawn of Ayn Ryand and he's the surrogate son of Vlad. He doesn't represent daddy Ron so well other than racism, which gives him yet another ID.

At heart, Ryand is just a bald-headed putz with a stigma that wears a wacky wig and talks like maybe he was raised as a step child to some aristocratic fuck with his own issues.

If he's dirty or peed upon even, Mueller knows, has known and is all over it. This, I believe is why Ryand and Donaldsky are Russian puppet suck ups...because of something as ridiculous as a pee pee tape.

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ayn rand (alisa rosenbaum)

spies and psychological warfare

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Kentucky has more miles of running water than any state except for Alaska: 1,100 commercially navigable miles...they just aren’t in the toilet or the shower.

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I have a thing about stupid names too. Maybe he's actually a Randy and wanted to be more sophisticated-like.

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Aha! I knew it had to be Randy.

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It's the Innsmouth look, the sea calls to him https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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They actually hated each other (shocker), they just hated the Union more. In the Civil War, each State had its own medical and commissary department, so if you were a wounded Alabama soldier, you might not get treated at a Georgia Field Hospital. This was before MASH helicopters

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