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True. But that's the Canadian way: we tend to vote AGAINST parties, not FOR parties.

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Hey, this isn't fair! How 'bout sexxy pictures of our editrix and reporters?!

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Hey, we love company! Plus it'd force me to actually clean the place up a bit.

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Thank you.

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I got as far as "Breitbart has a..." and stopped reading.

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... and if you have a foundation that helps people, you are a 100% bona fide corrupty-pants from Corrupt Town! (Unless your name is “Trump,” in which case your foundation is above board and wonderful.)

No exception is needed for Trump, because his foundation does not help people.

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Conservatives have got to be the unlikeliest reformers ever. Their whole spiel seems to be: If a liberal does what we do, it's corrupt, even if it's not really what we do. Trump basically won on that twisted logic. Now he's come out as the most corrupt President-elect ever. Duh.

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Lol. I remember that happening. Made big news down here.

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The Conservative Party has absolutely ZERO right to claim the moral high ground after the debacle that was known as Stephen Harper. NONE. ZILCH. NADA. That fucker was more crooked than a three dollar bill.

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You can thank the Reform Party for that.

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Also, Canada has a viable and functioning education system that churns out some of the best and brightest in the world, so the Goebbels propaganda techniques do not work in a nation of people who can think critically.

Also: Peter Mansbridge is a national institution.

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I call it "heart attack in a styrofoam cup".

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I'm surprised he didn't have Ivanka gold plated as well.

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Firstly, this is all nonsense. Pay-For-Access fundraisers are commonplace. Every party does them. And come on...even if lobbying isn't necessarily "allowed" does anyone really think its not happening? Its happening all the time, whether at a party fundraiser or through house back channels or myriad other ways. This is a buncha nonsense.

Secondly, when I first started showing an interest in politics, this guy's father was in power. Justin is no Pierre. He has little experience and he comes across that way. I hope he grows into the role. He and trump might have an interesting relationship.

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Should I allow the dashing good looks of M. Trudeau to affect my judgment? After all, a case might be made that Paul Ryan, if viewed strictly as a, you know, "human," could also be called cute-ish.On the other hand, could Ryan ever rock a tattoo like this? Didn't think so. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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