It’s basically like a virus. You just have to keep it from spreading and eventually flush it out the colon.

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Probably was Jeb. Poppy Bush (remember, a former CIA director before he was pres) tells Clintons about oppo research contract about Trump. HW and Barbara absolutely despise Trump, and apparently really like Bill (and Barbara at least likes Hillary)- I'm guessing because Bill is a lot more intelligent than their sons, and the Clinton administration fixed the massive economic screwup that Reagan & Poppy Bush made.

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Black Sheep - love that New Zealand film! Must track down What We Do In The Shadows.

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Spike was my fave too!

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Gopher-presenting FTW... No way I can compete with that.

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Lol from what I recently read, they *aren't* so trained. The article said they are allowed to life their legs on the priceless antique furniture.

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Well, his career prior to the Dossier is one of long and highly-regarded service. He was well known as an effective source of reliable information.

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Oh god yes, me too!

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Beautiful. Succinctly and convincingly put. It's a dauntingly convoluted mess, but fairly straightforward when explained well. Nice work.

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You're thinking about Jill Ireland? I don't see that as a problem.

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of. a job to die of.

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"While Ingraham is a Fox News host who ALWAYS hosts content from... Oh, never mind." FIFY.

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"youbris" - don't recommend that even with a gazillion shots of tequila first.

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I am also for the cleansing of social media of InfoWars et. al. - to me it doesn't violate Free Speech, equate it with yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater - but by a much greater magnitude.

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They lock on to an idea and there is no amount of evidence, argument, or analysis that will change their minds. Which means that it's pointless to try.

It's worse than merely pointless to try; evidence suggests that when presented with contrary evidence, argument or analysis, they dig their heels even deeper into the invalid idea that the presenter is naively trying to disabuse them of. So yes, you either have to write them off as unreachable, or maybe try some sort of subliminal strategy to get them to think that they arrived at this new, fact-based conclusion all by themselves.

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I had a kitty who presented me with a gopher. She laid it down next to me on the couch!

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