It wasn't disquieting enough, it wasn't creepy enough, it wasn't smarmy enough, it wasn't vaguely evil enough when she talked...

...then she saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang!

To the little children, for Cthulhu's sake!!!

(I'll bet somewhere she has a recipe for roasting children.)

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Well, maybe not so quick.

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Stomach has been hurting all day. I'm going to go take a Cruz.

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First there was Brangelina. Now............Cruzorina.

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Okay, so far I've only gotten through the first paragraph, but as a Montrealer can I just say: fuck no?

Thank you.

I will now finish the rest of this post.

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I wager one hundred quatloos on the newcomer!

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Tedly is easier to put on a button, though Cruzorina does have a certain je ne sais quoi.

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Communion doesn't quite rhyme, but it's alliterative.

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because there is no rock, just more foul stinking ooze... by next election cycle expect them to be using obsidian knives to rip the beating hearts out of small black children live on camera to feed to Mammon; and even then they will find some way to sink lower

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The baby would look like John Kasich .

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PPPPS: we also love our centralized healthcare. Leave that be as well please.

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One bankrupts America morally, one bankrupts America financially. Sounds legit.

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Seems to me that both of those qualities apply to each of them.

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Okay, but we're not giving back Neil Young.

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Kirk would not hit that.

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