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I did not remember that! Thank you!

"What happened, Honey, did you watch 'Annie Hall' too many times?"

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I mean, seriously. The guy's a giant narcissist and a privileged, entitled frat boy. There's tape. Oh, Lordy, we know there's tape.

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Wait. He's gay?

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See that's my problem, I reached adulthood 20 years too late.

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Maybe it had something to do with the sexually harassing practically single woman he met.

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To a Russian honeypot. I'm not even sure that counts.

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Keep in mind that this isn't the Republican Senate Caucus all getting naked and freaky. Mitch isn't getting a hummer from Susan Collins while his wife fucks the brains out of Chuck Grassley.

It's a bunch of wrinkled old men on coke who hate women and a team of thousand dollar a night hookers who really earn their money that night.

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Is there another kind? Get the best or stay home, that's what I always say...sometimes.

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You know it is NOT his first name - that is David - he intentionally chose to use his middle name - doesn't that tell you something?

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I toss this at you since you are more of a regular than me...

I think Wonkette should point out on EVERY Madison Cawthorn story thatHIS REAL FIRST NAME IS DAVID,

so he CHOSE to be called Madison.

Carry on knowing that

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They don't have them anymore - they only have regular forks...

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They were women at a CHRISTIAN college - so of course they were ignored.

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he is so desperate to be the relevant plucky underdog that he has to make up shit about media coverage? how pathetic

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a person's physical status should not win them a free pass from being a bad person

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who knew? i mean, it was so unexpected no one could predict it!

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