There is some important context missing from this story:

1. What set off Kipper's wife (I'm guessing that being married to someone named "Kipper" indicates a certain level of tolerance)?

2. Which end of the cue was she holding?

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I just wish Kristol would issue stock picks.

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Not funny. Quayle would let Kristol sniff the halls of power again, and that won't do.

As Bill Maher famously said about Kristol, "Kristol of course is revered by much of the right because he was Dan Quayle’s chief of staff, and was known as Quayle’s Brain. Which sounded impressive until I remembered that Dan Quayle didn’t have a brain."

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I have a really really old WW2 board game called D-Day. I couldn't force my kids to play it. They'd rather play chess.

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(Polonium votes).

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Like George Pickett, probably.

Or maybe George McClellan.

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Whenever I get despondent about our present precarious existence, I remind myself that Lemay and Teller are both dead.

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Obviously, he's gonna pull a rabbit out of his ass. Just like everything else.

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Possibly, this is related to the fact that he is retired.

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Custer was a scumbag, but he wasn't stupid about strategy. There are some arguments to be made that he was right not to drag Gatling guns all over the prairie. Even splitting up his flanks makes sense in the context of his day, to give the appearance of a surrounding force with no escape possible.

He gravely miscalculated the Sioux capabilities on that day, and that came from the scumbag in him. He was a world-class Injun hater who thought all Native Americans were nothing but stupid brutes. That's why he fucked up so badly at Little Big Horn. He thought the Lakota were too stupid to see through his tired old tricks, or that they were too afraid of him to do anything but run for their lives with minimal resistance.

You have to wonder what went through his head when Crazy Horse sent up his war cry of "Hokahey" (It is a good day to die). He probably had no idea what it meant, and probably would have been scared shitless if he had understood it.

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So the same as the Cold War era, then?

The old joke on the left used to be that the reason the conservatards hated the Russkies so much was because they were jealous of what they were accomplishing.

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Or maybe Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele:


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Lemay was, unquestionably, a brave motherfucker, but his brilliance in generaling was mostly limited to blowing up or burning up civilian population centers, and hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Your Ellsworth anecdote is probably accurate.

It's also true that Lemay said that if the US lost the war against Japan, he would be treated a war criminal.

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Trump? Pay for something?

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The Right has always admired those with absolute power over their citizens.

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He kept "accidently" walking into the bathroom when she was changing of using the bathroom.

She hit him with the thinner end of the stick.

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