Is This The Vilest Thing A Republican Congressman Has Ever Said, Or Are We Even Keeping Track Anymore?
Rep. Brian Mast is a piece of shit.
This is about the most sicko thing a United States congressman has said on the House floor since we don’t know when. Regardless of how exactly one feels about the Israel-Hamas war — nuance exists! — one thing all decent people should be able to agree on is that we grieve over the civilians caught in the middle of this, Palestinian civilians and Israeli civilians, innocent victims all. (You know, on top of how we should all agree that rank antisemitism and rank Islamophobia are both fucking disgusting and shouldn’t be tolerated.)
But Florida Republican Rep. Brian Mast doesn’t feel that way. No, he feels very, very differently.
“I think when we look at this as a whole, I would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of ‘innocent Palestinian civilians,’ as is frequently said. I don’t think we would so lightly throw around the term ‘innocent Nazi civilians’ during World War II.”
Palestinians are a nationality, a people, a culture. Nazis were a political party. But yeah, sure, otherwise that’s exactly the same, wait just kidding, no it isn’t, you ignorant piece of dogshit.
And what about children, please? Because thousands upon thousands of the people dying in this war, on both sides, are children. Should we not casually be throwing around the idea of innocent children, Grand Wizard Mast?
“The list goes on and on of the examples we can give of what somebody might just call a rank-and-file Gazan, or rank-and-file person in the West Bank, or just a Palestinian — that maybe they don’t say, falls under the name of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad — but by any classical definition would absolutely be considered a terrorist.”
By white supremacist pigfuck trash?
“There are very few innocent Palestinian civilians. I haven’t seen the videos of the innocent Palestinian civilians that were out there trying to protect the Israelis, that were out there trying to stop attacks.”
What is he looking for, people flying into the air with jetpacks to chase rockets? What a stupid, useless man.
Mast is a completely worthless, unserious clown of a human. One of the last times he appeared on Wonkette is when he literally manufactured out of whole cloth lies about Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee throwing American flags in the trash outside her office. Obviously he is a seditionist, obviously.
He also has this weird thing where he likes to cosplay as a member of the IDF, because one time he did this volunteer thing with the IDF, therefore he now thinks he is one of them or something.
So yeah, he is just a whole entire sack of shit.
Also in the past 24 hours Jesse Watters from Fox News has gone on a white-hooded rant about how “we’ve had it” with “Arab Americans and the Muslim world,” and the bald ingrown pube CEO of The Federalist Sean Davis tweeted that Islamophobia would “take care of itself” if “The Muslims” would “stop flying planes into buildings, setting Christians on fire, and beheading Jewish babies.”
Yes, if “The Muslims” stopped those things, just in general.
What a parade of garbage Americans these white dudes all are.
[video via Acyn]
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Is it time to curl up in a corner and gibber yet?
Sometimes I wonder if this whole episode, starting from the Hamas terrorist attack, was actually pushed by Putin, knowing the ugly extremists would appear, frighten Americans into fear of "the left", split the Democrats, and give victory to Trump and the GOP (and to his war against Ukraine).