I know diddly about the military, however, if someone walks away because they weren't in their right mind (and it really sounds like he wasn't), isn't that AWOL? Or just injury? Doesn't desertion imply intent? I mean if he got hit in the head and wandered off, it wouldn't be "desertion"? Regardless, he was subjected to 5 YEARS of imprisonment and torture. The fact that there are a lot people who want to add to that just shows how abhorrent we've become. I think the military is more than aware of this. He likely would have been shuffled off for help at best. Ignored at worst. But this became a sh*t show early on (before 45) because a bunch of self-righteous yahoos and a bunch of creepy creeps that just want to knock *everything* Obama ever did. This "trial" was tainted from day one. Whatever happens, I hope there's a possibility of some serious help for this guy, sounds like he needs it.

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I agree, he shouldn't have been there in the first place if he had mental issues. But, I'd like to know how you unlearn your native language. Even if they made him copy words in their language aloud for hours every day it doesn't seem like he'd have to re-learn English. He could recite English songs or poems in his head, right? Or is it some sort of brainwashing torture that I haven't heard about?

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That's a fantastic likeness of Trump on that wall. Oh wait, maybe it's a prototype of the coming attraction! The border Wall of Trump. If that doesn't scare people away what will? And who would want to immigrate here and feel embarrassed and humiliated because of our President every day?

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We are being flummoxed by the fuckery and it's not even fun.

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I tried doing that, too, and couldn't figure it out. So I am a idiot, too. I'll try the suggestions people posted below.

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Or, in some cases, the real need to keep very dangerous people away from general population. I wish rehabilitation was both possible and available for everyone, but it just isn't. Or is it "I wish rehabilitation WERE both possible..."? I am getting dumber as I listen to the TV and read on the FB.

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OMG! Perfect description of Joe Scarborough's face also, too.

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AWOL is used in Garrison usually. Desertion is for wartime/deployment. If he got hit in the head and wandered off isn't even considered for the purpose of charging him.

Desertion is the least serious of the two charges he faces right now. That carries a 5 year maximum sentence in this case. The Misbehavior charge is the possible life sentence charge he's facing. That one stems from the search and rescue operations and his deliberate desertion putting people in harms way to look for him. It also carries a much higher burden of proof.

You have to understand he was going to be charges with desertion as soon as it was found out he was not kidnapped from his base. At his court-martial you can bet that his 5 years as a prisoner will be brought up as a matter of mitigation. There have been over 1400 charges of desertion tried from 2001-2014. Charges and trials don't mean convictions though. In this case it appears the prosecutors office got creative with the charges as far as the Misbehavior charge. But that is also part of the military justice system - throw whatever charges they can come up with at someone and see what will stick.

The two relevant articles he is being charged with are Article 85: Desertion http://www.ucmj.us/sub-chap... and Article 99: Misbehavior Before the Enemy http://www.ucmj.us/sub-chap.... Also if you want it here is a non hyperlinked 884 page .pdf of the entire Manual for Courts-Martial https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/...

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FB Friends of Jared and Ivanka I assume?

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Donny Conny seems to have a limitless ability to say and do really stupid things to stir up his lynch mob of followers. Like Berdahl, I don't think he does it with any forethought, he just acts impulsively, pukes out whatever pustule of a thought come into his head. This thing is out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.

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Repig skkkum hate America.

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Trumpita would have taken over the military and would have been the first seven-star general if his foot owie didn't hurt so much.

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You mean the Syrian army? Because it was the Navy that launched the Tomahawks.

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Easy! Tail wagging dog.

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Thanks for all the information. :)

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Can't argue with this....

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