Mention fiscally responsible again, Republicans and I swear to god I will *REDACTED BY MODS*

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I'll also go with Snow Snooki. There was a time (hard to believe today, but it really did happen) when her fans gave her credit for her astonishing ability to predict the future. I named her the Klondike Nostradamnmoose, but it didn't catch on.

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How long before we find that this is all a plan. Bankrupt the secret service so that Russian agents can introduce counterfeit currency to make lots of money while bankrupting America. And the really sad part, I am not sure I would put something like this past Trump, he is that damn vile.

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Is that you Rochester?

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"and you’re there for a limited period of time"trudat, Donnie, trudat...

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that's because you spelled it wrong . . . it's "nostradamnmøøse"

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Let's cut off his Meals on Wheels...on second thought lets just cut off his meals...or wheels.

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I wonder if any of the morons who cheered when Trump ripped the Obamas for poking their noses out of the White House will even register this. Probably not.

I'm sorry but I am so fucking sick of those imbeciles I could scream. Democracy means no one is too stupid to vote, and this is what we get.

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Trump's words are the EXACT opposite of his actions.

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I want a voting test. Must be not high and not have dementia.

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I firmly believe that the Wonketeer editorial staff should NEVER leave their double-wides, as that would save us subscribers gabillionz of dollahs* (real journalism is sooo expensive and Google News is 'free'.)

Excepting, of course, Wonkette bar sprawls, in which case, all bets are off. (I know for a fact that the barpeople have been overcharging us for watered-down beer because "liberals" are suckers when gathered together as "over-spending liberals".)

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Despising Trump is taking too much of my mental energy.

Can he get impeached, already?

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For the record, Donald & Co. really don't have to go very far from DC for a spread that would accommodate SS temp HQs and save a shit-ton of taxpayers monies to boot. Ahem: http://www.curbed.com/maps/...

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Be careful what you wish for; one word - "Pence'.

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Aaannd, he gets protection for the rest of his smarmy days.What's the deal if Melania divorces him? Is she still covered too?edit: I bet THAT'S not covered in the pre-nup

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Right. And Obama turned off his phone, ordered all of his secret service agents to stfu while he was on the golf course, and while on vacay, told the world to leave him alone. No president is ever truly off duty. There is probably someone standing outside the bathroom while they take a crap in case something urgent comes up.

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